"Hey" I say and sit down next to him. He nods, continuing his counting. I look around. I haven't been up here in a while. The scenery is just so pretty. It's still early so the sun hasn't come up yet. The light breeze makes for the perfect temparature, not too hot but no too cold, just somewhere in the middle. It's really quiet. I like it.

"What are you doing?" I ask Sero, itching closer to him. "How many of us are there?" He looks up at me and I glance around. There is Mina chatting with Kaminari, Sero and I in this corner and-

"Hey guys, sorry we're late" The door swings open scaring the living shit out of me. Kirishima and Katsuki come outside with the rest of us.

"Six" I tell Sero and turn towards the guys "Hi guys" I greet and Kirishima greets me back, all the while Katsuki just ignores me and mutters something under his breath. What could he even be mad about? I don't think I said something wrong just half an hour ago, but we were fine at night. Maybe I should talk to him about this.

Sero nods at my response and he takes out a little baggie. "What's that?" I ask him and he looks at me, amusement in his eyes. I look closer and the baggie has...leafs inside it? Oh god...

"This, Y/n," Sero says, holding it up so I can take a better look and now, I can see clearly what it is.

"It is weed" Sero finishes with a chuckle. "SURPRISE!" Mina shouts, hugging me from behind. I look at them. Are they really serious about this?

With the corner of my eye, I catch Katsuki staring, his eyebrows furrowed and fumes coming out of his head. A wicked smile plasters on my face. Mina sees my reaction and she points to the bag Kirishima just put down. "We also got beer for those who don't wanna smoke".

"Smoking weed is not very manly. But it is fun sometimes. Just not at eight-thirty in the morning" He shrugs his shoulders, opening a beer bottle using his quirk, hardening. Katsuki takes a beer and tears the bottle cup off with ease. He chugs half the thing down and then looks me right in the eye. Two can play this game.

"I wanna try some" I tell Sero and Mina cheers while Kaminari and Kirishima are lost in a conversation of their own. Sero rolls a joint up and lights it, taking a puff. He then hands it to me and I take it and put it close to my lips. I haven't done this before and I don't know how it could go. The only person I completely trust here is Katsuki but he is mad at me already, I shouldn't provoke him any further. But then again, this could be good, right?

 I close my eyes and as I am about to breathe in and let the smoke fill my lungs, the joint is tossed away from my fingers. 

I open my eyes to complain when I see Katsuki sliding his sole around, crushing the joint. "That is fucking enough. We're leaving"

"What?!" I exclaim and he grabs my shoulder and pulls me up. I look at the others and they all have the same look on their faces; sympathetic, apologetic and making me feel fucking pathetic. 

Katsuki pulls me away from the roof and down the stairs, into an empty classroom. He looks around and closes the door, before letting my arm out of his grip.

"What is the matter with you?" I shout at him. "I am a big girl and I can make decisions for myself. I'm not a fucking kid, so stop treating me like one"

"You don't fucking get it, do you?" He shouts back. "You are not safe. You need to focus on being able to defend yourself" 

I take a step towards him. "I CAN defend myself in battle and I have proven that a thousand times over!" Tears threaten to roll down my eyes but I don't let them. Not now. "Not in hand combat" He says and surprises me with a sneak attack right in front of me. He pins me on the ground and hovers over me.

"You need to practice, you can't be skipping class to smoke weed. Weed, Y/n. Have you thought this through? She will make a move soon. She came to see me and that means our time is running out and I can't always be there to save your ass!" He says in one breath. I try to escape his grip, his words cutting me like daggers. "Let me go, let me go!" I say repeatedly until he does, falling down next to me.

What was I thinking? How could smoking weed do me any good? Why am I so fucking stupid? If he hadn't stopped me, things could have gone very bad for all of us. What if there was a villain attack and I was high? 

Katsuki is right. I need to train more. I need to be prepared. She will strike. She fucking seeked him out. She saw him. My devil of a mother met the one person I truly care about. She could get in his head at any minute now. He is not safe. None of us are safe. I have to do something, anything to keep her away.

He wraps me in his arms and I immediately snuggle in him, not able to hold it in anymore. I let the overdue tears finally fall.

Mommy issues- K. BakugouWhere stories live. Discover now