Mending Hearts Back- I

Start from the beginning

As soon as she left his sight, Ram straightened his relaxed figure and looked around. Sara and Vikrant were talking to Adi and Brinda and Sandy, Maitri and Neeraj were with them. Neeraj, with a smug expression of course. Nandini, Shubham, Vedika and Mama- mami, as usual, whispering among themselves. Meera was showing Ishaan something and he was animatedly listening to it. Ram's blood boiled looking at that and that is when he noticed her. Wearing a light purple saree with her little bindi that she had started wearing regularly now, she looked really ethereal. With not many accessories except the dark purple bangles and a simple choker she wore on the insistence of Sara, Ram couldn't help a smile from appearing. But the next moment, it waned seeing her go towards Krish who was standing alone in the corner. He needed answers this time and he would make sure that he got them.

He cleared his throat, masked all his emotions beneath the straight face he had perfected over the past 5 years and made his way down.

"I need to talk to all of you" He said and commanded the attention of everyone in the room.

"What is it Ram?" Nandini was immediately at his side. "Is it something about Priya? Please, now ask her to leave. I have had enough with her and her daughter. Now that Sara and Vikrant are married and the deal is also signed, ask her to leave. I can't help but remember Shivi when I see her" Nandini did her usual melodrama but for the first time, Ram didn't even console her nor did spare her a glance.

"Not right now mom. Take your medicines yourself if you feel too ill. I have many other things to look. Ask your son and he will take care of you. Now please excuse me, I have something to take care of" Ram said without looking at her and proceeded further. His gaze now locked with Priya.

She was looking a little scared and Ram could make out that it was because of his changed demeanor. He stopped when he reached till her and held her wrist a bit tightly. She winced a bit at his sudden action, and Krish stepped forward to interrupt. Ram angrily glared at him and that mere non-verbal gesture made Krish step back.

Ram dragged Priya to the middle of the room and looked at her intently.

"Mr.Kapoor?" She wanted to speak but instead Ram immediately thrust the letter in her hand. Ishaan also saw it and the color drained out of his face. He now got why Ram was so angry. And he feared what would come ahead.

"Read" He ordered and she looked puzzled.

"What is this?" She asked meekly.

"You will know for yourself. Read it" His straight tone scared her a bit and she slowly opened the letter and in an instant, understood Ishaan's handwriting.

"Priya Sood, read it NOW!"


Priya maasi,
I know you and Pihu are going away soon, but please I just have one request. Please don't go. I have seen how Pihu and RK have bonded well. And that is why it feels sad that we are depriving both of them each other's love. She is his own daughter and I know that he will love her to the ends of the world. And a pure soul like hers is deserving of that love. Rk also should be happy. He has gone through a lot in his life. You and Pihu only will be able to bring my the happy and positive Rk back. I feel guilty that all three of you have to go through this because of me. Please please maasi, tell RK the truth that I was the one who accidentally pushed Shivina down the stairs. Please maasi. I won't be able to live peacefully seeing how miserable you, RK and Pihu will be. None of you deserve this. And if you aren't comfortable sharing it, then I will. I have to. RK has done a lot for me and I feel bad that I am hiding such a big thing from me. I am really sorry maasi

Priya finished reading the letter and was in tears by the end of it. She looked up at Ram to now see him flare up a bit.

He moved forward and violently pulled the letter out of her hand. All around her, it was silence. Ishaan looked dumbfounded while Priya looked pale. The truth that she had so hard tried to hide was now coming out.

Raya TS- Mending Hearts BackWhere stories live. Discover now