chapter 1

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Chapter 1- Morning sickness & Madam Pomfrey

     The dorm that the three ravenclaw sixth years shared was in a frenzy as the sounds of Jacqueline Cresswell heaving was heard from their bathroom

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     The dorm that the three ravenclaw sixth years shared was in a frenzy as the sounds of Jacqueline Cresswell heaving was heard from their bathroom. It was bloody 4 in the morning after all and it was doubtful that anyone in the entire ravenclaw tower could sleep through the horrific sound. Isabella and Pandora tried to soothe the nauseous girl, but nearly became sick themselves.

     "Jacqueline please let us bring you to Madam Pomfrey! I am quite literally begging you!" Isabella pleaded with the girl.

     "I do not need to see Ma-" the girls words were cut off as she heaved over the toliet once again. Her two dorm mates looked to each other in concern before turning back to Jacqueline.

     "You're going there now whether you like it or not!" Pandora and Isabella both grabbed once of her arms and quickly lead her to the hospital wing. Surprisingly Madam Pomfrey was awake despite it being so early in the morning and was quick to assist the frantic girls.

     "Madam Pomfrey please help her! She's been throwing up all night!" They helped Jacqueline get into one of the hospital beds as Madam Pomfrey examined the girl with a distraught look on her face. "Can you tell us what's wrong with her?" The girl asked as she looked down on her friend with a worried glance.

     "Girls I'm afraid it's best if you leave so I can discuss my diagnosis with Mrs. Cresswell alone." Madam Pomfrey looked at Jacqueline worriedly before dismissing the girls to go back to their dorm to catch up on their sleep.

     "We hope you feel better Jac.." Pandora said before the girls reluctantly left the girl in the care of the nurse.

     "Miss Cresswell. I'm so sorry but I must tell you that I have some bad news. You are with child." Madam Pomfrey patted the girls back in a comforting way as the girl sobbed into her hands. "I will be here if you have any questions about your pregnancy my dear, but for now take this potion and it should help with the nausea." The girl despite her previous sobbing was eager to take the potion and be relieved of the sick feeling.

     "Thank you Madam Pomfrey." She replied weakly as she trudged out of the hospital wing and down the empty corridor. Footsteps most likely belonging to the horrid caretaker of Mr. Filch could be heard behind her as she took off running down the corridor both in fear of detention and in anger of the news she was just told. Angry tears spilled out of her eyes as her vision clouded and she was unable to see as she hit a hard wall and fell to the ground.

     Her vision cleared as she wiped her eyes and she realized that what she had hit was in fact not a hard wall, but Remus Lupin. "Need help?" He extended his hand down to her.

     "Don't you dare touch me! We both know what happened the last time you did." She got up on her own and easily brushed the dust off her pajama pants. Remus had a confused look on her face as she scoffed.

     "Oh wait! You don't even remember because we are both drunk idiots who don't know how to hold our alcohol or obviously make good decisions under the influence!" She ranted as his facial expression just remained the same.

      "I'm sorry but who are you and what exactly are you referring to?" He asked with genuine concern in his tone.

     " We had sex after the gryffindor party a few weeks ago and apparently you forgot to use protection because thanks to you I'm pregnant and most definitely going to be disowned by my parents when they find out. So thanks for that." She began to walk away before he could even register what the red headed girl had just said.

    "Wait! I didn't even get your name...." He called out after her but she kept walking and never once turned back to look at the young gryffindor boy who looked like he had just been told someone died.

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