Chapter 31

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"Oh that's a pretty color," Lily smiled as Jess pulled out some nail polish and Lily picked up a glittery purple shade. "So do you know about me and my husbands Lynn?" Lynn shook her head and Lily smiled. "Well you know about the Academy don't you?" Lynn nodded and pointed to Jess. "Ok, well that's one less thing I have to explain. Well, my husbands and I are kind of sort of famous for being the first poly marriage in the Academy." Lynn looked at her shocked and Lily smiled as she started painting Lynn's toes. The door opened to see Jack looking in. "We're fine Jack, now go away we're having girl talk."

"Okay," Jack nodded. "House is on lock down right now while we handle everything. Silas is by the door since Raven and his cousin Ivan are helping."

"Got it Dear," Lily smiled and he chuckled then shut the door. She rolled her eyes and smiled, "Anyway, we are the first team to prove that one woman can have multiple husbands and it work. We have been married for...well quite a bit now and we are still happily in love. We have shown that love doesn't have to be with just one person. Each one of my husbands have helped me overcome my past in one way or another. My past is a lot like yours Lynn."

It is? Lynn signed and Lilly nodded sadly.

"A long time ago I was in a very abusive relationship. I was friends with a girl named Erica," Lily smiled.

Kota and Jess' mom? Lynn signed and Lily nodded.

"She had just gotten away from her husband and recognized the same signs I had. Weirdly shaped bruises, lame excuses, skipping meals, jumping at phantom noises, the whole thing." Lily shook her head and moved to Lynn's other foot. "Anyway, I had finally decided that I was going to leave after I caught him cheating on me and while he was at work I decided to pack my things. Well imagine my surprise when he came home early. A huge fight ensued and well to put it frankly he raped me multiple times. I passed out and so did he since he was drunk. When I came to I grabbed my phone and Erica was at the hospital so she said she was going to call some friends to come save me. Liam, Henry, Harry, and Jack showed up and Jack and Liam rushed me to the hospital while Henry and Harry took care of my ex. Erica was waiting for me at the hospital. I ended up having to have some surgery done and let me tell you I was so surprised to find out that all four of those men were stationed outside the waiting room until they heard that I was okay. Complete strangers, it totally threw me for a loop." Lily smiled softly and picked up a emerald green and started working on Lynn's fingers. "They were there every single day while I recovered. I tried kicking them out numerous times but those stubborn asses just stood outside my room and glared down anyone who wasn't Dr. Roberts or Erica."

Sounds like something Raven, North, Silas, and Nathan would do Lynn signed slowly.

"I could see them doing that as well," Lily smiled softly. "Anyway, they took all my tantrums and breakdowns and anger and still stayed. Dr. Roberts and Erica had me go stay with them once I was well enough to leave the hospital because my ex had broken out of prison and was on the loose. He called me and taunted me, called me all sorts of vile things because I was staying with four men. I thought like you did that it would be better to leave to protect those I was started to care about."

How long were you gone for? Lynn asked and Lily burst out laughing.

"Honey I got as far as the dropping out of the tree in the back yard," Lily smiled.

You did? Lynn signed in confusion.

"I was at the bottom of the tree waiting for her," Liam said from the doorway. "We had cloned her phone so the moment she got the call we knew she would try and escape."

"I thought I said we were having girl time," Lily fake glared at him.

"I'm sorry Sweetie," Liam smiled, "I was just bringing you some pizza."

"Oh you are forgiven then," She smiled softly then kissed him.

"Marc said if the pizza is too rough for your throat he will make you something soft but he thinks if you take small bites you will be able to enjoy it," Henry said from the doorway. "Doc wants to check your throat if you manage to eat the pizza."

"Here are some drinks and the sauces for your pizzas girls," Harry said bringing in a tray and setting it on the bed beside them.

Thank you she signed to them and they nodded then left.

"Where was I?" Lilly asked then smiled, "Oh yeah so I didn't escape but that was okay because Harry and Henry caught him being stupid enough to try and climb their fence. So long story short, I know what you are going through to some degree. If you need someone to talk to that understands and can be more than just an ear to listen to, I'm here. I know the emotional roller coaster. I couldn't have children of my own so Erica's became mine and then of course those boys also became mine, now you are too."

Thank you, Lynn signed as a tear slipped free. Lilly hugged her then they started eating. Lynn managed to eat a whole slice and Sean was very happy to see very small irritation to her throat. As long as she kept drinking the drinks Axel was making her of Native American remedies and being careful he thought she could start eating more than soft foods.

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