c h a p t e r / e i g h t e e n

Start from the beginning

"I have a question." He announces after a moment of quietness.

"What's up?"

"What's goin' on with us?"

"What do you mean?"

"Like, you and me. JJ and Brielle." We both turn our heads to look at each other now, and I have to try as hard as I can to hide my smile at the thought of what might be about to happen. "We've kinda just been like, kissing, y'know? Not that that's a bad thing, cause it's definitely not, but- I don't know."

"I dunno either," I reply truthfully, giving up the struggle and letting my smile grow larger. "I guess I haven't really given it too much thought."

"Me neither. Maybe... should- we should do something about that?"

"Do something about it?" Holy shit. Holy fucking shit.


"Yeah?" Oh my god.


"So...?" Oh my god.

"So...?" JJ repeats me with a nervous laugh, and I do the same. "I dunno, do you wanna like... date?" He asks me, a hopeful smile on his face. This cannot be happening right now.

"Do I wanna date? Like, date you? And you would be my b-"

"Exactly like that. And you could-"

"Be your girlfriend?"

"I mean, yeah. If you want. But if you think that w-"

"No, I- I want to. I do."


"Of course I do."

"You're sure? Cause like, if y-"

"I'm a hundred and one percent sure, JJ." I tell the nervous boy with a giggle. "Are you sure?" I genuinely cannot believe this is happening.

"Positive. Literally so positive."

"Okay," The goofiest fucking grin creeps onto my face. "Sweet." That was almost too easy.

"Sweet." JJ adopts possibly the biggest smile that I've ever seen on his face before, but he covers it up with his hands as he lets out a high pitched cheer of excitement. I can't help but laugh at his noise and the thought of everything that just happened. Wait until Sarah hears about this!

Oh shit, that reminds me. I sorta forgot about the whole thing with Kie cause I've been having such a good time with JJ. She's definitely not gonna take this information well.  I decide to let it go for right now, not wanting to let that ruin my absolutely insanely good mood.

The two of us sit up on my bed after JJ's done celebrating, and I feel the blush on my cheeks burning redder than ever at the sight of my... boyfriend? Yeah, that sounds cool. Boyfriend.

"No fucking way that just happened, Brielle."

"I could be wrong, but I think it might've happened!" Please don't let me be wrong. Please tell me that wasn't all some sort of dream. We spend the next few seconds laughing the rest of our nerves away until I finally resume our movie search. Realizing that neither of us will probably be able to actually focus on whatever we put on the TV, I grab my trusty Tangled disc again and hold it up for JJ's approval. "Up for a little Rapunzel?"

"Yes ma'am. You?"

"Ooh, sorry, I actually can't." I explain in an overly disappointed tone. The equally saddened look on JJ's face breaks my heart, but I know his reaction in a few seconds will make up for it. "I have a boyfriend." 

sweet | outer banksWhere stories live. Discover now