They were brother and sister, yet they were not close to each other. This could only mean one thing—Fu Zhi had not been welcomed into the Lu Family.

Tian Nuo smacked her lips and sneered, "Someone thought she would turn into a phoenix after becoming a member of the Lu Family. Who knew that, in reality, she'd still be a peasant."

Zhou Tingting looked at Fu Zhi with a half-smile playing at her lips. The gloom in her heart dissipated as she said softly, "Even if you're not close to her, she's now my classmate. Shouldn't you do something, such as give her a pair of designer shoes?"

Her voice became lower as she spoke, so Lu Yumo could only hear part of it. Frowning in confusion, he asked, "Why should I buy her shoes?"

Zhou Tingting wanted to say something, but she stopped on second thought. She shook her head and said, "Forget about it. It's nothing."

After a slight pause, she added, "Actually, do you know that your sister is wearing fake shoes?

"Well, it's not that big of a deal, but her shoes happen to be similar to mine. There is only a slight difference, but we all knew at first glance that the pair on her feet is fake. After all, even you have to preorder to get the authentic version, let alone someone like her.

"Therefore, I figured that since she has become your sister, why shouldn't you pamper her a little and buy her a pair of authentic shoes?"

Zhou Tingting did not say anything outright, but the disdain in her voice was apparent.

'She could not afford a pair of authentic shoes even though she's the foster daughter of the Lu Family.'

The contempt in the eyes of Zhou Tingting's group grew more intense when they looked at Fu Zhi.

'She couldn't even afford better clothing, so she had to buy counterfeits to keep up appearances. Even Zhou Tingting, who comes from a poor family and is supported financially by the Lu Family, has better clothing than her.'

Lu Yumo's face was clouded with confusion after he listened to what Zhou Tingting had said.

"Who told you that her shoes are counterfeit?"

"There's a golden lining around the logo on her shoes, but I don't have it on my shoes," Zhou Tingting explained. After all, Lu Yumo had bought plenty of Kimorty garments for her, so she was very familiar with the brand's logo.

"Her shoes are a one-of-a-kind design that my mother purposely asked the designer of Kimorty to rush and make overnight, while yours are a pair I preordered from them after saving up money. The price was different, so the logo is naturally different too!"

Zhou Tingting's smile froze on her face.

"My mom is a premium member of Kimorty. She has special privileges, so she doesn't need to wait if she orders a whole cart of clothes for Fu Zhi."

Lu Yumo sounded a little sad and dazed. "Fu Zhi has all kinds of limited-edition clothes. She may even have more than me, so who am I to pamper her?"

Zhou Tingting's group was stunned. They had been making fun of Fu Zhi, but they had not expected that not only would Fu Zhi's shoes be authentic, but they would be even more high-class than Zhou Tingting's shoes...

Chapter 22: You're Really Awesome
Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Lu Yumo left immediately after he spent some lovey-dovey time with Zhou Tingting.

Inside the classroom, Zhou Tingting's group was so exasperated that they felt as if somebody had slapped them across their faces. One of the girls glared furiously at Fu Zhi as she snarled, "You don't have to act so high and mighty just because you own a pair of limited-edition shoes. There is nothing to be proud of. It's not like we don't have any limited-edition items in our houses whatsoever!"

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