Part 4: A Toast to What?

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Elke sighed as she attended to a few letters and other formalities. Benjamin smiled to her as he attended to his own affairs. "Lots of work on your end?" He asked. 

"You have no idea..." She replied. "Ever since the incident, the letters just keep coming and coming. It never ends. Even after the trial people still keep questioning me about my intentions and I have to answer that of course." 

Benjamin frowned and shook his head. "Oh Elke, always striving to please... That's how I know you. Perhaps a walk around the city could change your mind for a bit?" He asked, playfully. Elke tapped her fingers on the table as she thought about his proposal... It was tempting for sure!

"Ah, fine then. I can't work like this anyway, too much stuff on my mind. I know we've been trained to kill but... Until a few days ago I never killed anyone. It feels strange to me..." She admits. 

Benjamin gave a slow nod. "Uh huh... I can imagine that yeah. Well, that gives us even more reasons to go outside!" He said, dismissing her comment. Elke gave a shrug and stood up, leaving the letters on her desk as she grabbed her coat. Benjamin did the same. 

Together, they walked through the barracks, with Elke catching a glimpse of the royal palace in the distance. "That's where Marie-Sofie resides..." She said to Benjamin. "I wonder how she is doing after all of this... Must be tough for her... And tonight is her coronation too" 

He smiled. "Well, I am sure she'll be fine with all the splendour and people around her." Elke shook her head. "No... I don't think being rich solves much and some people make us feel even more lonely." 

Benjamin frowned. "You're a strange one, Elke... But perhaps that's why we get along." She smiled. "Indeed so!" As the two walked along, they took the backdoor to the city so that they could make a quiet exit. 

The small streets at the back of the palace were well lit and despite this quarter of the city being quiet, it was still pleasant to walk in. "So, Elke..." Said Benjamin. "How about we go on to celebrate your victory in the courtroom today? I know a nice place." Elke tilted her head. "Are you implying that we're gonna drink alcohol? No, we shouldn't do that as soldiers." 

Benjamin rolled his eyes. "You're so modest, Elke... Come on, live a little!" Elke seemed hesitant... But walked along into the busier part of the city, the "Koningsstraat," "king's street." The main boulevard of the city.

Normally, both horses and cars alike traversed it, with the poor, rich and everything in between walking along. "It's always fun to be here..." Benjamin commented. "But, it's not what it used to be. As if the people are more worried?" 

Elke couldn't help but chuckle at his comment. "That's probably because of the approaching war, Benjamin!" Suddenly he stopped, Elke pondered what caused him to do so... "Here it is!" He said after which Elke looked up at the sign hanging above the bar. 

"The Charge of Butanic?" She said. "Yes, it's the favourite bar of all soldiers here. Come on in!" Once more, Elke was hesitant. But eventually she saw no other choice but to give in. "Alright, fine." She said against her will. 

It was an old bar, without electricity. Candles still lit the room a... But what was most noticeable was the sound of soldiers cheering, drinking and having a good time. The entrance of the two friends didn't change that. 

Benjamin gave out a chuckle. "Well look at that..." He spoke, pointing to a group of soldiers singing in the corner. "Aren't those your soldiers?" 

Elke came closer to inspect them... A stern expression on her face. "What on earth are you all doing here?" She asked. "Shouldn't you be doing... Something else?" A loud chuckle followed. "Oh sergeant, we're off duty, as are you. We do as we please!" One of them spoke. 

Benjamin gave her a nudge. "Come on, let's join them!" A sigh left her mouth... Would this ever end? Uncomfortably, she went to sit besides her soldiers. 

One of them knocked on the table and called a waiter. "Give these 2 fine sergeants a pint of lager... At my costs!" He shouted, with laughing following soon after. Quickly, two pints were served, with Elke looking uncomfortable at her own glass. 

"What's the matter? You don't drink?" Taunted Benjamin. Elke gave an uncomfortable nod... She had never drank alcohol. He chuckled. "Well, looks like our sergeant here never drank alcohol!" He laughed, with the others laughing along with him once more. 

"Well, Elke... I mean Sergeant Healvermaen, you should decide what we toast on then!" Spoke Benjamin again, who was clearly having fun. With a loud sigh, Elke heaved her glass and proclaimed:

"To the crown princess, who is being crowned as regent as we speak!" 

One soldier shook his head. 

"No, to Sergeant Healvermaen, for her victory in court and her unmatched bravery!"

The other soldiers said the same and drank from their glass... Elke, under peer pressure, did the same. Her face cringed as she took a small sip. This tasted disgusting! But the other soldiers... Well, they had to laugh, as they usually do. 

"Oh come on, not a tiny sip like that... Come on, show you're one of us. Drink out your glass!" Soon, the table began shouting "drink, drink, drink!" As they stomped their fists on the table. Elke couldn't help but chuckle. "Well, time to show I am just a soldier too!" She chuckled, feeling a bit more comfortable. 

She took the glass and quickly shoved the entire content of it in her mouth. Loud clapping erupted soon after; "well done, well done!" Upon which Elke stood up and bowed. 

The rest of the night went more or less the same, pint after pint was drunk... Except Elke, who kept it at two. In the end, she was the more responsible one. Despite not drinking as much, she had fun and enjoyed the bonding with her own soldiers... As the clock struck 11PM, she decided that it was time to head back. She thanked her soldiers and Benjamin and left them behind. 

Alone, she walked back through the alleyways of Hereburg, back to the barracks. Once inside, she came across captain Zondemaer... "Ah... Sergeant..." He spoke, diminishing her. Elke stood tall and saluted him. "S-sir, can I help you?" She said, trying to sound formal again after all the fun. 

"You stink of beer... But that doesn't matter. I know you like the more... Common rabble, as you are part of it. Anyways, I got news from you: the new regent would like to see you for an audience... It seems." Out of his pocket, Zondemaer took a letter bearing the royal seal, he handed it to Elke. 

"Now be on your way..." He spoke, purposefully bumping into Elke. She shook her head as he passed. "Asshole..." She whispered silently. She didn't let it get to her head though... She had something else to worry about! 

An audience with the new regent? It made her heart race. In the end, she couldn't help but sympathize with her. She was just a year older than her and already had such a difficult duty to fulfill. Quietly, she stepped to her room and opened the letter. It was written in a fancy handwriting.

Dear Sergeant Healvermaen,

It is my duty to inform you that her majesty, princess-regent Marie-Sofie I of Holdenfoor, wishes to see you for an official audience, in which she will thank you and reward you for your actions on the tragic assassination attempt on her father.

She will speak to you shortly and reward you with the Blue Medal of courage and sacrifice for the nation. Additionally, she has also ordered that you be directly commissioned to lieutenant in the army of her majesty.

You will be expected at 4PM, tomorrow at the royal palace. Protocol will be applied through the entire audience.


Jan Fredeman, 

Head servant of Her Majesty

Elke's eyes widened... Not only would she see the queen, she would also receive a decoration and... Get commissioned? A smile appeared on her face, though she couldn't help to be worried too. She, a commoner without any money would become a lieutenant? What would become of this?

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⏰ Última actualización: May 04, 2022 ⏰

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