Found you~~ (series Chucky x male reader)

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(Also this is long as all hell...I've watched the full season of the Chucky series and I loved it so I'ma write about it.This is basically my Chucky x male reader but different cause some characters aren't dead and different backstory.Now if you haven't watched the series and aren't American like me please don't read this will have spoilers so spare yourself.slight Tiffany x reader cause she deserves love from the suffering I caused her in my books,might do part 2 don't rush me...)

Reader's pov

I shut off the water and stepped out of the cheap motel shower,I dryed my hair with a towel than tied it around my waist ad I walked into the main bedroom if the motel sighing at the distasteful sight.I walked to the bed that had my duffle bag atop the covers and dug around for some clothes,After getting changed I took my pocket knife out if the duffle bag and snuck it into the waistband of my jeans than walked to the window opening the curtin.

The old pickup truck I had stolen was parked nearest the staircase incase I needed the make a run for it but luck seemed to be on my side as no one had banged on my door all night.Smiling I went back to the bed picked up my duffle bag than qiuckly but cautiously made my way to the car.I chucked my bag to the passenger seat than buckled up my seatbelt before started the car up and leaving the parking lot.

For a second I glanced to the address write in sharpy on my forearm,I wasn't familiar with it but apparently Chucky was there.I hadn't seen him for awhile since he mailed himself to his old family's house.Tiffany helped him but I also haven't spoken to her in a while.

I frowned hoping he wasn't going to be a jackass when I turn up I Had a small feeling Tiffany sent me the address.

I pulled up in a town called Hackensack.My stomach made a small growl so I huffed out my own growl and pulled up to a small food truck order and tried to make a run for it to my car but a hand on my shoulder stopped me,Nearly dropping my food and shoved the hand off and was about to through abusive words at the person but stopped when I saw blond died hair and dark green eyes.I stared at her for a moment as Tiffany hugged me full force obviously happy to see me.

"Yes nice to see ya too Tiff..."I say muffled by the hair and her shoulder since I was shorter than her.

"Oh sweetface I'm so happy your finally here!!"Tiffany held her hands on my shoulders and smiled at my as I akwardly held my food at my stomach,Tiffany noticed my nervous figure so she let go but gestured to follow me.I glanced to my car than my food than huffed up at the sky as I walked towards her leaning on a shinny crimson 1960 Pontiac.

I tilted my head making her chuckle,"Like my baby love?~"Tiffany purred as she walked around the car dragging a hand alone as she learned on the top in front of the driver door.I blushed slightly but glared and turned towards my car that was now only getting further away.

"I liked my car but sure yours is blood coloured..."I said softly but smiled at the end as her eyes darkened and she smiled.

"it's my favorite colour after all,~"She opened her door but seeing as I had not moved she patted the roof of her car.I sighed and got into the car.Tiffany got in a second later and turned the radio on than put her seat belt on.I did the same but look at hers strangely she must have thought I was looking at her chest so she wrapped her arm about my chair with a smirk.

"I wasn't...I'm sorry...just didn't think you wore seatbelts."Her expression seemed to stutter and she went back to smiling.

"I may be a killer but I'm not careless dear you should know that."She stared up her car but after she had put her arm back around my chair,Tiffany and I were somewhat close when we were with each other but Chucky tended to not share so my time with her was sparse.

(DISCONTINUED) Andy & Chucky oneshots (x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now