☾Chapter Six - Falling... Literally☽

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You watched as your brothers, father, and mighty army marched off into the thick wilderness. "SHOW THEM THE MIGHT OF THE TECA!!" You yelled as you heard your brothers chuckle. "Ay mama, can I atleast go see them destroy the gate... Preeettyyyy Pleeeaassseee" you beg, she chuckles. "No mija, your not in the prophecy." You sigh as she places a hand on your shoulder. "Oh, mama. Im hungry.." your mother gasps in excitement, "I will make you your favorite dish!" she yells as she runs off into the distant hallway. You walked over to Colibri, "So, Colibri... remember how I kinda broke my arm, well yeah look." You say as you show him the cool scar you had gotten. "And now my brothers are gonna be able to see it too!" You said as you jumped down from your balcony, sneaking passed the guards of the palace. You marched into the forest, climbing up trees along the way, humming a soft tune. 

You saw a rustle in the bushes as you gasp with joy, "Hermanos! Papa! Its me, Y/N!" No response. "Hermanos? Papa?" No response. "Chiapa!?" You yell as you see him dragging your father out from the bushes. "Run Mija.." You gasped as you looked up from your father to see no other than the Bat Hombre himself, Zatz. You ran down the tree and grabbed two arrows that were on the ground , "If you want Mi Papa, you'll have to go through me!" You growled. "Ah, courage runs through your veins princess." He says as he grabs the arrows from your hand and gently places them down. "I do not wish to fight you King Teca, it is clear you are hurt. A fight now would be dishonorable." He said as he walked back towards 'Colmillo'. "The weapons of your brothers. These belong to your family now, honor them." You saw him place down your brothers weapons. "no no no, Mis hermanos!" you cried. "Papa, what happened?" "Your brothers, our might army, they are no more..." He stuttered. "You fought all the gods?!" "N-no, it was just Lord Mictlan!" Zatz sighed, "Im sorry for your loss." You couldnt stand this man, and he knew you couldnt. He knew you couldnt look at him without hatred going through your eyes. "YOU ARE THE EMBODIMENT OF DISHONOR!" You yell as you loosen your grip on your father. 

Running up to Zatz, he turns around to look at you, but is cut off by your fathers sword inches away from his face. "That was unnecessary, but I cannot change your views." He said calmy, but with the hint of disappointment. You growled, "Hey papa, look at that tree." "Hm?" you swiftly kicked Zatz while your father wasnt looking. "Didn't I tell you I'd hit you where it hurts the next time I saw you?" You whisper. His eyes widen, as he fell to the ground.  "You certainly did." He said as he smirked with a strain in his voice. "Papa, wait here. I have to take care of this Monstrou." Your father gasped as he tried to convince you not to get involved. "Ay papa, Im already involved!" Your father sighed as you ignored his plees. You walked over to Zatz, grabbing him and lifting him up.

You pushed him into the bushes, which led to an open space. "CHIAPA TAKE PAPA HOME!" you yelled, as you heard him begin to drag your father. You turned to face Zatz, who was still gasping for air. He stood up, "eso realmente duele princesa .." He said. You chuckled, and grabbed another arrow that was on the ground next to you. "What did I tell you about coming near mi Familia!" you yelled as you swung the arrow near his face. He grunted and dodge the arrow by a second. "I did not come to fight Princess Y/N!" he yelled as he tried to knock the arrow out of your hand. "I dont know Principito, whenever your around something seems to go wrong!" He chuckled, "Nothing went wrong the other day~" he said under his breath. "WHAT WAS THAT?!" you yelled as you were still swinging the arrow. "Nothing!" he laughed, as he started floating. "CHEATER!" you yelled as you grabbed his boot. He grunted but continued to go higher into the sky. You knew you shouldnt have looked down, but you did anyways.  "Ay ay ay nononononono" you said as you dropped the arrow and held onto the boot for dear life. "Scared Princess?" he asked. "NO..." "MAYBE..." "YEAH IM FREAKING OUT HERE!!!!!" You screamed. "Too bad I cannot help you." he chuckled as he began to shake his leg. "ZATZ NO PLEASE I WILL DIE, FIGURATIVELY AND LITERALLY!" You felt your grip begin to release. "THIS IS IT. IM A GONER. IM TOO YOUNG TO DIE!!" You cried as you held on with all of your might. SLIP. NO NO NO NO!  you thought as you felt yourself falling from thousands of feet in the air. You felt the wind take your hair, and the cold fresh night air rush through  your body. "zatz please."... "Zatz." "ZATZ PLEASE!"

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