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Steve's PoV:

I walked down the the lab, expecting to see Tony asleep over some blueprints like I normally do. I typed in the code and as soon as I was granted access the doors opened to reveal Tony under one of his cars.

"Fuck!" He shouted as he rolled out from under the car. He shot up and ran to the sink. "Hey, honey," he said as he ran his hand under the cold water.

"Hey. Whatcha doin'?" I said, my Brooklyn accent thick. I had only woken up about 30 minutes ago and when I'm tired or just woken up my Brooklyn accent is thicker.

Tony looked down at his hand before replying. "Not much. Fixing a broken car part," he pointed over to the car he was just under.

I nodded. "What did ya' do to your hand?" I asked.

Tony sighed. "Its not that bad, just a burn," he protested, now going to put on cream (to stop swelling/blistering) and bandages.

Once he finished, he plopped himself in his desk chair and began talking to JARVIS while I wondered around his Iron Man suits, mesmerized.

I looked over to my right and saw a helmet not in its place. I thought it was odd, but not too odd for Tony as he was never organised. I glanced over at Tony before putting the helmet on.

It lit up as holograms surrounded me. I let out a small yelp, which caught Tony's attention.

"What-," he said, before chuckling at the sight before him. I had my hands held out, scared to even take a step forward. "Just walk," Tony said before dragging me forward, forcing me to move.

I let out a shriek before gaining my balance again. I soon began to chuckle with Tony as I looked around. "Is... is that a basketball hoop?" I asked, brushing it away. "A holographic one?!"

Tony chuckled. "How else am I supposed to procrastinate?"

I chuckled before taking the helmet off. "That's enough technology for me!" I said, handing it to Tony. He chuckled and attached it to one of his suits.

"Guess you won't be needing the holographic shield I'm making you," Tony said, shrugging his shoulders. I just laughed and hugged him lovingly.

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