Blink Twice

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A/N: This was originally written and posted on AO3 in response to the Weeping Willow fest prompt Major Character Death - Author's Choice. AKA: This is very sad, and very much not HEA. 

***CW/TW: major character death, death in childbirth.***

Betawork done by mauradermandy.




They'd established it early on in their relationship: blink twice if you need help.

It had originated as an inside joke between the pair. One of them would be stuck in an inconvenient conversation at a party, they'd lock eyes and receive a deliberate double blink. And then the other would swoop in to save the day.

The first time he'd ever actually used it was at the three year anniversary gala of the Battle of Hogwarts. He'd been dating Hermione for about six months, and this was their first big public outing. Weasley had cornered him and was interrogating him about his 'intentions' with her – bloody stupid best friend question, if you asked him – and he'd met her eyes and then very purposely blinked twice.

It had taken her a moment to realize what he'd meant. They'd joked about it only a few times up until that point, but she'd caught on quickly. She'd swooped in, steering Weasley gently away in the direction of the buffet table.

Later on the dance floor, he twirled her around happily, and it had become their private signal ever since. It was a good thing that none of her friends were observant, or he would have feared they would have caught on.

It had only been truly necessary once. He'd surprised her at work, and he found her slowly backing up into a corner by the water cooler. It was McLaggen – and while he didn't think he would seriously hurt her, he clearly wasn't aware of how uncomfortable he seemed to be making her. Hermione had met his eyes and blinked twice very quickly, but he'd caught it. Draco had already been heading over there just based on her body language.

Clapping a firm hand on McLaggen's back, he spun him around so that he was facing him instead of Hermione. "McLaggen, I'm afraid I'm going to have to steal my girlfriend from you," he'd said. And then he'd whisked her away without a second thought.

She'd thanked him profusely, and he'd refused it, stating that he hadn't even had to think about it. Regardless, she'd thanked him again later that night – not that he was going to complain.

Blinking the happy tears away from his eyes along with the memories, he came back to the present. Draco held his newborn son in his arms, gazing down into his slow-blinking eyes, certain that his own eyes were entirely filled with wonder.

He didn't even realize that Hermione was turning a ghastly pale that he'd never seen on anyone.

After a moment, her silence caught his attention, but he'd just assumed that she was exhausted and had taken a moment to rest.

Draco finally noticed her, and almost dropped Scorpius in shock. She looked at him, blinking twice, before her eyes rolled back in her head. The blood drained from his face as he quickly put Scorpius in his bassinet and slammed his hand on the call button.

"Help!" he bellowed at the top of his lungs. "Help me!" His voice cracked uncomfortably in a way he'd never heard before, and he collapsed into a chair as the Healers rushed into the room.

Trying to make out what was being said through the buzzing in his ears and the feeling of his heart pounding out of his chest, he could only hear bits and pieces.

"Severe loss of blood..."

"Unforeseen complications..."

"Bleeding out..."

"Nothing more to be done for her, I'm afraid..."

"No," he rasped out. "No, plea– please, you have to– have to save her, I can't–" he was breathing too fast, his inhale not reaching deep enough in his lungs to make any difference. "I can't live without her."

There was a hand on his shoulder, trying to soothe him and failing. "I'm so sorry, Mr. Malfoy," it said, "There is nothing more we can do for her."

A broken, animalistic sound came from him that he'd never heard before and never wanted to hear again. "I have money, I can pay– do– pay anything you need. Any resources. Just– help her." He was hopelessly praying to a deity that couldn't possibly exist, not if this was happening to her.

Draco rushed to her side, pushing the Healer away from him. "Hermione, baby, please wake up." He lay his head on her chest, searching for any trace of a heartbeat as he wished, prayed, hoped against hope for any sign of life. He urgently blinked his bloodshot eyes twice at her, crossing his fingers that she would say something, as he brokenly whispered, "Come back to me."

She did not. 

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