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Jason had just left the main building of dragon haven and he made this way out into the forest where a secret lies the night dragon. He had used all of the misfits power to create the shield that holds him in the forest and that also hides him from others. He came a lot to test the night dragon and for the night dragon to test him and he had not gone today so the night dragon was going to be wondering where he was. As he had made his way in a voice said "you are later then usual" he had learned this voice so on hearing it he knew who it belongs to. "That I am" he told the night dragon but today there was something different and the night dragon. Then it came to Jason "so you are wondering what happened today" he asked "I am" the night dragon told him. So then Jason continued "how did you know something happened" there was a silence for a few second. Then the night dragon said "I could feel there a change with you and the others" referring to the other misfits. 

Jason smirked he had expected no less then this from the night dragon "so you can feel what I feel then?" "That I can" the night dragon told him then Jason sat down In front of the dragon and said "I you can feel what I can then you can remember and see what I can as well." This was a challenge to see how much the dragon could see and do and as Jason expected he found out. "So who do you think did that" the dragon asked "I want to say loarch but they don't have that kind of power nit even Jessica." Then he continued "so I would say that we have someone else that can you dragon power and they have a dragon like the storm dragon." Then there was a silence then the night dragon said "when will you go look for this person" the dragon asked. Jason smiled and said "at first light In the morning comes" then the dragon said "you should go prepare." Jason nodded I. agreement and got up and left the forest to prepare for the search of who ever did this Jason was getting ready go.

 Till his sister Kayla came up "Jason what was that about everyone's talking about it and some say that they sall body's." Jason didn't like lying to his sister but he knew he had to " I don't know what they were talking about with body's." She looked sceptical about what he said but she did trust Jason so she took his word for it and left it at that. "so when are we going to start my training" she asked hopefully Jason felt a tinge of guilt because he completely forgot about it. Then to cover he said "tomorrow" this pleased Kayla and she said "thanks" and then started walking away. But then she said over get shoulder "I will be with William if you need me" then disappeared from Jason's view. Jason had been searching for more clues at the spot where he found the body before the dg got there. For most of the time he haven't found anything till he found what looked like a piece of cloth on the ground. He didn't recognize the way the cloth way made it was intricate but simple at the same time and didn't seem to de made from cotton. And had what looked like a bit of dragon skin in it but harder then dragon skin more like metal hard but still looking similar.

Jason tucked it in his pocket and got on the iron dragon and took of and not a moment to soon the dg just for there but Jason used illusions to hide them. The iron dragon asked "are they not working with them" it took a few seconds for Jason to answer "we are but are goals aren't the same." Jason wasn't certain but he thought the iron dragon understood what he meant that's when the iron dragon asked." where are we going now" Jason thought and then said "I am going into the city it find out if any one knows who, where, or what this piece of cloth is made of." That is what the iron dragon didn't get is why it mattered and Jason knew that so he explained. "There is a chance that this belongs to the person who did it or someone else that was there because they don't make clothe like this hear or of this material." The iron dragon didn't like not being part of it and Jason tried to Com him using the bond they shared it sum what worked. 

The iron dragon set him down in the forest out side of the city in the forest next to it and Jason made his way into the city. Jason had gone around the city checking clothing stores and weavers to see if any thing matched nothing did. That's when Jason sall a piece of cloth that looked like the same but it was in some kind of store so Jason went in. Jason sall all kinds of thing clothes swords, pots, artifacts everything that's when he went up to the cloth. But then a voice said "I don't think you can afford that there" Jason turned around and sall an old man that had scars and was grizzled most likely an adventurer. "I am trying to find out where this came from" and showed the man the piece of cloth he knew it was stupid but he felt he could trust this man. Hmm the man said then he said "well bring it here let's see if I know where it came from" they went to a spot with an magnifying glass. 

Jason put it under the magnifying glass and the man looked at it closely then he in a instant he looked shocked scared and confused at the same time. Then the man asked "where did you get this" Jason didn't want to tell the man but he knew he had information and Jason needed it so he told him everything. Well almost everything he left out the dragons and dragon haven but he tolled him everything else even about the body's. Then the man says "no wonder you weren't able to find anything like this this comes from only one persons clothe." "Who" Jason asks then the man says "he has many title's and names moat think he is just a legend but he is real and he is a god." "What" Jason asks then the man says "he is"

"xylo the master of storms, the mother of dragons,  conqueror of the void, paragon xylo, the undying, champion of the twilight warriors, and ankhseram he has been alive longer then loarch existed." Jason was shocked so much he couldn't speak then the man said " he never leaves a trace of himself else he wants the person to." "So how do I find him" the man laughed and said "you don't he will find you" with this Jason sighed. "Thanks for the help" he said it the man and then walked out of the store back out to the iron dragon. He was acting strange then Jason realized that he must know everything that Jason just learned. So he jumped on top of the iron dragon and the iron dragon knew that it was time to go to dragon haven. Slowly ever dragon learned what Jason had learned even the storm and night dragon but the night dragon didn't know everything Jason had learned. Sense there bound was not as strong and the shield that surrounded him in the forest.

so 1306 words knew recorded I hope you guy like it 

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