"Ouch..!" said Ranbir.

"You're okay, sweetheart?" called Deepika.

"Yeah, I'm fine..." answered Ranbir.

"You're sure?" asked Deepika.

"Yeah...actually, not." answered Ranbir.

Deepika smiled.


The sun goes down and the night has come. The sky filled in with shiny stars and the moon added the lovely night with its light. Ranbir dried his hair with towel as he walked out from the bathroom after he finished his bath. He looks at Deepika who was busy finishing her work with her laptop on the bed.

"Hey, chashmish." called Ranbir. He used to call Deepika like that whenever Deepika wear her spectacles.

"Yes, sweetheart." answered Deepika without looking at Ranbir.

"No laptop on bed, chashmish..." nagged Ranbir.

"I know but I have to finish this...work..." said Deepika as she looked at Ranbir. Then, she smiled.

"Why are you smiling?" asked Ranbir.

"Six packs abs huh?" said Deepika as she checking out Ranbir's body. Ranbir just wore his short pants. He's looking really hot.

"Yeah, I do a lot of workout every day for it." said Ranbir.

"You're looking...hot, Ranbir. Now go and wear your shirt." said Deepika as she looks at her laptop and continued her work.

"I'm looking hot only?" asked Ranbir as he walked towards Deepika. Oh, she's cute!

"Wear your shirt, Ranbir..." said Deepika and bite her lips.

"I don't feel like want to wear my shirt tonight, baby..." teased Ranbir.

"Just wear your shirt, Ranbir..." smiled Deepika without looking at Ranbir.

"I think it's time for your laptop to rest..." said Ranbir as he closed Deepika's laptop and put it on the small wardrobe besides their bed.

Deepika looked at Ranbir. She smiled and blushed as she knew Ranbir was in his 'naughty mood' that night.

"And your spectacles...at there..." said Ranbir as he put Deepika's spectacles besides her laptop.

"Ranbir..." said Deepika pampered.

"Lie down now. Lie down, baby..." said Ranbir watched Deepika lie down on the bed.

"And you?" asked Deepika adorably as she bite her lips.

"What you want me to do?" asked Ranbir sweetly.

"I want you to..." said Deepika as she slowly makes Ranbir lie down on the bed. Their body collides each other as Deepika lie on top of Ranbir. Her smooth hair touched Ranbir face and Deepika put her hands on Ranbir's head and playing with his hair. She looked at Ranbir with a smile.

Ranbir smiled at Deepika. He's enjoying the moment. He's love the romance between them. Ranbir keeps looking at her eyes, her lips, and her dimples that appeared whenever she's smiling. He put his arms around her waist and pulled her closer to himself until their face just inch away from each other.

"You want me to?" asked Ranbir softly as he could feel Deepika's finger coming down from his forehead and stop at his lips.

"I want you to...turn off the light now and you know what you have to do after that..." said Deepika loveably.

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