Ritalin | 1

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     Now it was a few years later. The boys were seventeen and still attended the same school - they just weren't really friends anymore like they were in childhood.

Izuku sat in his desk before class - headphones on and at max volume. His eyes and brain were focused on memorizing the the first fifty-four elements on the periodic table.

He found that MARINA was very helpful with memorizing.

'Underneath it all, we're just savages'
Hydrogen, Helium, Lithium
'Hidden behind ties, shirts, and marriages'
Beryllium, Boron, Carbon
'How can we expect, anything at all?'
Nitrogen, Oxygen, Florine
'We're just animals still learning how to crawl."
Neon, Sodium, Magnesium

The studious boy was soon pulled from his thoughts via Uraraka. She leaned against his desk and tapped her pencil gently on his head.
"Hey nerd"
"Hey bitch" The two greeted each other before delving into some dumb teenage drama.

"No, you fuck! Obviously Shaggy would beat the shit out of Fred if given the chance!" Katsuki argued against Denki and Kiri.
"Nah, Fred would kick Shaggy's ass." Denki replied.
"Denki, im afraid you've either completely fried your brain or you need to lay off the narcotics man."
"Shut the fuck up, Kiri. I literally just watched you do like, three Ritalin." Denki retaliated.
Bakugou appreciated watching his friends be complete and total idiots. It amused him. He was just about to interject when Uraraka walked over to him.
"Hey, Bak-"
"No, i'm not taking your shift tonight. I have plans already." He cut her off already knowing wjat she was going to ask.
"C'mon Katsi! I have to study!"
"Not my problem." He shrugged. "I already have plans."
"I don't think snorting coke off Kirishima's dick should count as 'plans'." She deadpanned, making extra sure to lay the sarcasm on thick with the air quotes.
"It is none of your business what we do with our dicks, Raka!" Kirishima laughed out.
"Shut up, Kiri. Anyways, no. I really do have plans already."
"You, Katsuki Bakugou, are an assfuck." She sighed as she walked away.
"I do my best!" He called after her, earning two elegant birds to be flipped at him while the girl held back a laugh.

"I told you so."
"Shut the fuck up, Deku." Uraraka sighed as she plopped in her seat next to him.
"The guy is a douche, Raka. You know I know you know that, right?
"Fuck off" Uraraka groaned into her desk top and arms. Deku chuckled at her.

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