garden of memories

Start from the beginning

The small child proceeded to lead the two Eternals towards to garden which had previously caught Cybele's eye. 

"Garden of the Goddess, hm? Wonder how he came up with that creative name."  Nerak scoffed as his eyes scanned the garden, though they softened up a bit at the sight of the marble columns. 

Cybele shot her friend a look of displeasure before turning her attention towards the child, "Karina querida, el jardín es muy encantador, pero ¿por qué nos llevas aquí?" (Karina dear, the garden is very lovely but why are you taking us in here?)

The girl did not answer verbally, only brought them to the large stone that sat in the middle of a large collection of dianthus flowers. 

Cybele felt her breath catch as her eyes fell on the engraved drawings of the Eternals. The words were weathered and she could not make it out but took notice that she and Nerak seemed to have an aura around them. 

"Protector ha dicho a mi pueblo los cuentos de la amistad divina que nos mantiene en marcha. La gran madre, la hermosa mujer que mantiene felices nuestros cultivos, permitiéndonos sobrevivir. Y el espectador, el hombre que nos mira desde los cielos, haciendo llorar el cielo cuando necesitamos el agua y el sol sonreír cuando necesitamos un día brillante. ¿Son ustedes, no?" (Protector has told my people the tales of the divine friendship that keeps us going. The great mother, the beautiful woman that keeps our crops happy, allowing us to survive. And the onlooker, the man that watches us from the heavens, making the sky cry when we need the water and the sun smile when we need a bright day. They are you, no?

Nerak bent down to be at eye level with Karina, "No estoy seguro, pequeño". (I am not sure, little one.)

Karina looked to the boy and placed her small hand on his cheek, "Proteges a Cybele, ¿no? Te aseguras de que la gran madre esté siempre feliz. Tú la velas como el Protector vela por nosotros. Gracias." (You protect Cybele, no? You make sure the great mother is always happy. You watch over her like Protector watches over us. Thank you.)

Nerak smiled softly and looked at the blonde that was still staring at the stone in awe. "No hay necesidad de agradecerme ... ¿Cómo sabes que Cibeles es la gran madre?"(There is no need to thank me... how do you know Cybele is the great mother?)

Karina smiled brightly before looking back to Cybele, "Supe que eras la gran madre cuando vi tu rostro." (I knew you were the great mother when I saw your face.)

Cybele finally looked down at the girl, "¿Y eso?" (How so?)

The child grabbed both of their hands once again and led them further into the garden. Cybele shared a look with Nerak.

"I know Bele, I know."

Karina stopped in front of a large plot of roses with a marble statue resting in the center, placed her hands on her heart, and spoke whispered softly with her eyes clenched close. "Corazón de la Tierra." (Heart of the earth.) 

Cybele stepped forward and let her fingers dance over the soft facial features of the sculpture, features she saw every morning in the mirror. Over the thousands of years, she had many monuments and statues made for her, but none were as accurate as of the one that stood in front of her. 

"La gran madre." (The great mother.)

"Truly uncanny," Nerak said softly as he placed a comforting hand on the goddess's shoulder. 

Cybele took a shaky breath before looking down at the smiling Karina, "Gracias por compartir esto con nosotros." (Thank you for sharing this with us.)

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