I liked seeing him finding a girl that liked him just as much he did. While it was rare, they always loved each other till their lights burned out. I've only met this girl once, but she seemed sweet enough once she realized I was in the room with her.

"There's your answer Gray, give her an excuse of why you couldn't see her and make it up in a way she'd forget about it."

He has the glimmer back in his eyes, like this was exactly what he needed to hear to not feel helpless. I just knew whatever he was going to she would love. He was a smart guy, one with an heart of gold.

Valerie's frown deepens, tears welling up in her eyes. I was never good with emotions, and if she started crying I wouldn't be able to help her. "You guys are so lovely. God, not even in a relationship yet and you're already planning out ways to do better for her." She has the saddest look on her face, cracking a small smile. "At least she knows you want to spend time with her, my girlfriend doesn't even want to go out to dinner with me before we meet my entire family."

She took a deep breath, shutting her eyes and rubbing circles on the exposed area of her stomach. It was a calming method. She didn't want to cry in front of us and cause us to worry about her. It didn't help that we all knew why El didn't want to hang out with her before the trip. It wasn't because she hated her, it was the opposite.

She was planning on proposing on the trip and let the nerves get the best of her. She knew how much Val's family meant to her and this was the perfect place to do it.

Marriage was a foreign thing to all of us, so it was a shock when El told us that she planned on proposing. For the years I knew her she always swore up and down that she'd never get married, but Val changed that. If everything goes well— when everything goes well maybe their relationship could go back to normal. The proposing could excuse why El was always gone easily, easing Val's mind.

But for now, they both just needed to get their mind off their problems. There was nothing I could do for either of them but reassure them like I have been. "Why don't we go somewhere? Gray we can talk about what you're going to do with Vanessa and that'll busy Val with something other then El." I suggest, sitting up and pulling off the covers.

"Val, El loves you. More then anything. I wish I could show you how much she truly does but you have to just trust her for now." She gives me the best smile she could muster, getting up out of my bed and back into the hallway.

I get up and put on a long sleeved black shirt and some jeans, keeping my face bare and just freshening up real quick. It wasn't especially cold outside, but still not warm enough to comfortably wear anything less. 

In no more than thirty minutes later they both came back fully dressed and in slightly better moods. With no plan in mind we got in the car and drove out the neighborhood, before she grabbed my arm stopping me from turning left. "Could you take me to my meeting? I kinda forgot and I want to get there early." Valerie ran her fingers through her freshly curled hair lightly, separating each piece. She was set to start filming her new movie in a few weeks that she was more then prepared for, most likely being the only one who already has her lines highlighted and memorized.

She's crazy about this type of shit.

Getting there early to her was two hours early, but I had no complaints. It was something to distract Gray with and she said we could wait out side the room in the entertainment suite, which was good for all of us. Gray is gaming his heart out, and I can shut my eyes for a little while on one of the couches. Or, attempt to at least.

"Do you think they have food here?" Gray suddenly asks, turning around from the arcade game. "I would assume so." I answer simply looking up from my phone. "Do you think you can find us some?" He asks again. His voice carried around the room, being a lot louder then it needed to be. "I guess? What do you expect me to get?" He huffs like I'm the one annoying him. "I dunno, anything."

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