I was about to answer but Granddad must have felt the heavy atmosphere

"Heejin, is it your day-off?" Granddad asked

Granddad did the right choice. If he didn't ask Heejin that question, hell would've broken loose. Heejin is lecturing me about my boyfriend as if I wasn't aware of it. It is not that hard to understand that I just want to enjoy every moment without my boyfriend. I just want to spend these days with Ryujin and Taeoh. Then I will deal with Yeonjun because clearly, I want to be with Ryujin but Yeonjun was there for me when she wasn't.

During the breakfast, everyone was quiet. Well, except Taeoh who kept on talking even though I was feeding him. He was talking to everyone on the table. It was as if he wasn't even aware of what happened earlier.

Hyunjin and I brought Taeoh to the playground since well, he wanted to play. It's already 10:00 in the morning. Taeoh is playing with the other kids in the playground. While Hyunjin and I are just sitting on the bench nearby.

"How is Yeonjun doing, Yeji?" Hyunjin asked and I sighed

Yeonjun has been calling me nonstop and I am not picking up. I'm afraid that these moments with Taeoh and Ryujin will just be ruined if Yeonjun comes back into the picture.

"He's doing great in Seoul. It's just that we barely see each other since we're not working in the same hospital," I answered and this time, Tae was the one who heaved a sigh

"I have to say this, Yeji. You are not single. You are in a relationship with Yeonjun but you're acting like you're not when you're with Ryujin," Hyunjin said and I nodded

"But Tae, I don't know. I know for a fact that I love Ryujin but Yeonjun was there when Ryujin was not," I replied

"When I came back, I was certain that I love Yeonjun. I told myself that Ryujin won't have an effect on me but when I saw her, everything came rushing back. At first, I can still handle it but Yeonjun also changed. On the other hand, I see Ryujin with Heejin and I hate it. I know Heejin's my cousin but I don't want her anywhere near Ryujin. S-she threatens me," I continued talking

"You can't love two people at the same time, Yeji. Make up your mind or you'll end up hurting both of them," Hyunjin said and I nodded

"Ryujin never left us, you know? She has been a sister to me and I hope you won't hurt her because even though I love you as my cousin, I can't promise you that I won't hate you for hurting her," Hyunjin seriously stated

Hyunjin has a point. I can't love two people at the same time but I don't want to break Yeonjun's heart. He was with me when I hit rock bottom.

"Mommy!" I was pulled out of my thoughts when I heard Taeoh's voice

Taeoh stood in front of me and he smiled. Charming.

"Can we call babba? I miss her already!" Taeoh said and he pouted

"Buddy, babba's working. What did she say when she's working?" Hyunjin asked

"To not disturb her," Taeoh frowned

"But she also told me that she will make time for me," Taeoh looked at me with puppy eyes again

Hyunjin was about to answer but I stopped him by putting Taeoh on my lap. I then took my phone out and I called Ryujin.

Calling Ryujin...

"Shin Ryujin speaking," She answered after three rings

"Drop the formality, Shin," I said and she chuckled

"Do you need anything?" She asked

"Are you busy?" I asked when I heard a lot of people talking in the background

The Troublemaker (Ryeji)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن