The Deal

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"My friend and I have a competition going on to see who should get the secret room in the boys dorm, we tried sharing but that didn't work out great when he walked in on-"
"No no I don't need to know any more, thank you. " Jane comments whilst thinking about all the different ways this can go. She has no idea what he is going to say next but she was hanging on to every word without even knowing it.
" Anyway... Ooh look theirs my close friend, ok quick before he sees me talking to you. We have a date Saturday, alright ? I'll explain the rest later. Hey Dietrich ! I was about to come look for you. Meet my new ... 'friend' Jane. " One could hear the librarian shushing him.

Dietrich true to his name had a very regal look to him with his wavy shoulder length black hair and his grey eyes

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Dietrich true to his name had a very regal look to him with his wavy shoulder length black hair and his grey eyes. Unlike Caelan, Dietrich looked like he had a good head on his shoulders and he used it. Caelan looked like he was the younger out of the two and seemed to have a mischievous side whilst Dietrich looks like the perfect candidate to be a vampire. Luckily this isn't a fantasy novel. Dietrich pulls up a chair and sits infront of Jane. He looks Jane right in the eye before quickly glancing at Caelan before looking back at Jane, she felt as though she had murdered someone with the look he gave her, she started picking at the skin around her nails and her mouth was getting dry. " It is very nice to meet you, as you may have heard my name is Dietrich, Dietrich Boaz. There is only one question I have for you. How on earth did you get my friend here into the library ? " Dietrich looked over at Caelan in a look of irritation but Jane now knowing how kind and wonderful his vioce sounded was in the mood to play along. " Well I told him that if he wanted a date with me I first needed to see if he could read. " Jane gave a quick teasing look over as Caelan. This playful banter continued for quite some time allot of topics were discussed and Jane quickly grew to know the boys. They have been friends ever since they were born and have always been very competitive. As the conversation continued Caelan moved closer and closer, this didn't make Jane uncomfortable as it probably should have but it did make her quite nervous, whilst Dietrich was distracted Caelan quickly whispered into Janes ear, " Are you ok with me being this close ? " All that Jane could do was nod she was like a fish out of water so out of her element even tho she was on her home turf the library the place were you secretly read these types of scenes in a book were the player love interest asks for consent. " Are you ok with me doing this ? " He asked as he put his arm behind her back and pulled her closer, he did not let go of her waist. His hands weren't very big but Janes waist fit into them perfectly, his whole body was welcoming. It was irresistible, comforting and almost enchanting. So Jane nodded quickly before Dietrich turned his attention back to the group. The three continued to talk whilst Caelan massaged Janes waist softly. That was all Jane needed to know that her love language is touch because her head was now leaning against Caelans shoulder which was behind her head the whole time Jane did of course try to hide her new found soft spot but then again it did not surprise her that Caelan knew this. Soon the day had to continue and Jane only realised later that Caelan had left a note in her skirt - the skirt resets on her hips/ waist-. Which read :
" Hello Jane
Would you please meet me outside the girls dorms at 11 pm tonight. I will explain everything thing then. Don't be late "
Time seemed to love making Jane suffer, she had always been a very curious girl little did she know that this night would change her forever. Her life would have been so different if she had just gone to bed.

" Now you better explain yourself " she whisperingly yelled at Caelan as he walked towards her. With the amount of time she had to think about what he was going to say to her, she could not take the suspense any longer. " It is a bet who ever can win the girl over wins. He lost the first part of the bet so I got to chose who it would be I chose you. I - "
" Whoah... You chose me Caelan ! I feel so special " her words stung like venom, it was her nightmare come true, false affection for the others own gain.
" The deal was to keep you in the dark, have you think it all was real. He doesn't know that I'm hear telling you. Please help me win. "
" Why ? " Jane looked at him with no kindness no friendlyness no ... help. In that moment everything clicked, they believe that they are playing with her feelings but she was planning a way of taking control. As she listened to his explanation Al that she could do was smile. " Jane, I have no good reason other than that you would probably be the only person who say no, this school is full of allot of fake people you should know seeing as you were all alone. So because you would say no because you have morals is also why you should say yes. But if you won't help me I understand, it is allot to ask if someone. "
" You're right Caelan it is allot to ask of someone, and you seem to know me very well because I will not be helping you. But I will continue to play along with your game because atleast I know, maybe the next girl won't and I can't have that. I'm not doing this for you Caelan. Good night, see you Saturday. " And with that she turned around and headed to bed. She was red with rage, she had always thought that people over exaggerate how awful highschool boys can be.
She was not going to play victim, she was in control thanks to their confusion and lies. Now all she had to do was keep it that way, pick the one she liked the best and turn him against his friend whilst maybe getting something out of it herself but she would see. Morals were no longer a part of the plan Caelan, hope you're happy with what you have created. They helpless need was gone and something much more powerful has been formed, a need for revenge.

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