Mike is a bitch🙄

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Andy let his eyes drift down the length of Lonny's body. He was wearing black jeans, a fitted black t shirt and a grey leather jacket. He really liked the grey on him. His gaze flicked up to his face and frowned at the annoyed look on his pretty features- 'no, not pretty, I didn't mean that, like he's pretty yes, but not- you know what? Never mind.'

Olivia noticed Lonny's expression as well and tilted her head to the side, but smiled warmly at the guitarist and scooted down slightly so he could sit next to her. "Hi Lonny." She greeted sweetly, giving his arm a soft squeeze, absolutely not feeling his muscles, nope, definitely not.

Andy slid his arm across the back of the booth and Olivia leaned into his side as he reached out to fiddle with the collar of Lonny's jacket. "Is this new? I've never seen it." He asked, smoothing his hand over the shoulder.

Beaux tried his best not to snort when Lonny took a deep breath to presumably not pass out. "Yeah, it is." He replied, praying his voice didn't sound as breathless as he felt.

"I love it." Andy said with a grin and Olivia nodded in agreement, running her fingers over the cuff of Lonny's sleeve. She wondered if the model was aware of how flirtatious he was being with the guitarist, but she was going to test things out for herself, just to see where things go.

CC gave Beaux a sideways glance. 'Well this will be easier than I thought it would be.' He thought smugly as he sipped on the beer he had ordered for himself.

Lonny felt his face warm and reached out for the pitcher on the table to pour himself a drink, he desperately needed something to distract himself. If he didn't know any better he would think Andy and Olivia were flirting with him, but he was sure that wasn't the case, it couldn't be...right?

Andy allowed his fingers to slide away from the buttery material as Lonny leaned across the table, watching him carefully with a questioning brow raised. He had been acting standoffish for what felt like weeks(he was sure it hadn't been that long) and he wanted to know what was wrong, he and the younger man had become good friends, he just wanted to make sure he was ok.

Olivia was also watching the guitarist intently, leaning her head back against Andy's chest and listening to his steady heartbeat. Lonny turned to give them a quick look when she noticed a strand of hair sticking out near his ear.

"Hold still." She said, sitting up slightly and reached out to smooth the hair for him and smiled. "There, all better." His hair was so soft.

Before Lonny could react to that, Andy reached out and ruffled his hair into disarray once more, making Olivia scoff and roll her eyes. "Babe!" She chastised, playfully hitting his knee while Lonny tried not to fall any more in love with either of them as he watched the bright smile spread across Andy's face.

"Fix it." She giggled, poking Andy in the side as she watched Lonny out of the corner of her eye.

The model sighed in mock frustration. "Fine." He huffed playfully, reaching out to smooth Lonny's hair back into place before he teasingly booped him on the tip of his nose. "Happy, my love?" He asked Olivia, sliding his arms back around her, but kept his twinkling gaze on the guitarist.

CC🦝:'We should just ditch them at this point, they won't fucking notice.' Beaux read the text and tried his best not to laugh out loud.

'You aren't wrong.' He replied.

"I need to smoke, I'll be right back, let me up." Andy said, pushing at CC until he stood up and let him out of the booth.

He walked out of the bar and stood out in front of the large window to where he could see the others, waving at them obnoxiously before he took a hit off of his vape pen, he needed to quit and he was trying to, it just took time.

You Drive Me Insane Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon