Part five

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[A/N: Hello! This book is still on Haitus; I'm just posting a couple of chapters to see if y'all are still so passionate for me to continue it lmao. This was originally one chapter but I decided to split it into two for convenience ^^]


"Broooooooooo!" Mo Xuanyu whined.

"What?" Wei Wuxian asked as he carved holes into a bamboo stick, "What's up?"

"I'm booooored!" Mo Xuanyu slumped onto the floor with a pout, "What happened to destroying sects and mass-murdering? What happened to changing the world after your resurrection?!"

Wei Wuxian paused, and then replied with a carefree tone, "I guess even someone like you can have thoughts of annihilating the sects."

"What's that supposed to mean?!"

"Hey," Wei Wuxian glanced to Mo Xuanyu, "Which sect?"


"Which sect do you wish destruction upon?"

Mo Xuanyu replied after a long pause, "...the Jins."

"Oh," Wei Wuxian pushed up the mask that had slid down his nose, "Makes sense."

Jin Ling crossed his arms with a scowl, "Hey! Lunatic Xuanyu, Yiling Patriarch wannabe, what on earth are you two doing?! My uncle is fighting there!!"

He paused before adding, "And why are you two discussing your evil plans of annihilating my sect right in front of me?!! You're so stupid!!"

"He's right," Mo Xuanyu said.

"Mn," Wei Wuxian nodded, "We should spare the nice Jins like our cute little Jin Ling and Mianmian. And before you ask, no, I am not killing anyone."

"Yeah, I already knew that. Who's Mianmian?"

"A non-peacock," Wei Wuxian clarified, "Though, people like Jin Ziyuan deserve to eat uncle four's radish soup." He leaned in to whisper into Mo Xuanyu's ear as if it were confidential, "It tastes terrible."

"Bro, Mo Ziyuan is my cousin," Mo Xuanyu added, "I think you meant Jin Zixun. He's long dead though. Don't you remember cursing him?"

Wei Wuxian paused as if in thought, "Ohhhh, him. But the one who cursed him wasn't me."


"I didn't curse him."

"Of course you didn't!" Jin Ling rolled his eyes, "Firstly, you aren't the Yiling Patriarch. Stop dreaming. Secondly, idiots like you obviously don't know the effects of the hundred-holes curse. The castor will also suffer from a backlash in the form of holes on their chest, and Wei Wuxian didn't. Although my uncle hates Wei Wuxian, he isn't so shameless that he'd lie about something like that."

"Awh, is Ling'er defending the fearsome Yiling Laozu from slander?" Wei Wuxian couldn't prevent the urge to smile at Jin Ling's words, "So righteous."

"I'm not!" Jin Ling refuted, and then finally remembered, "My uncle is still fighting!! You idiots! You distracted me!!!"

"You're right," Wei Wuxian raised the bamboo stick, which had been hurriedly carved into a dizi. His eyes flashed red.

"It's showtime."


"Peacock-bro," Mo Xuanyu said, glancing around the forest, "Do you even know where we're going?"

"O-Of course I do!" Jin Ling stammered, swiftly taking the lead and speed walking ahead.

"Really? Because I've seen that same tree about eight times now." Wei Wuxian commented.

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