"No one questions your thoroughness," Jessica said.

"I question it, my Lady. We should've used sonic probes down there."

"I presume that's what you're doing now," Paul said.

"Yes, sir."

"Send word to my father that we'll be delayed."

"At once, sir." He glanced at Jessica. "It's Hawat's order that under such circumstances as these the young master and mistress be guarded in a safe place." Again, his eyes swept the room. "What of this place?"

"I've reason to believe it safe," Jessica said. "Both Hawat and I have inspected it."

"Then I'll mount guard outside here, m'Lady, until we've been over the house once more." He bowed, backed out and swung the door closed behind him.

Paul broke the sudden silence, saying: "Had we better go over the house later ourselves? Your eyes might see things others would miss."

"This wing was the only place I hadn't examined," she said. "I put if off til last because . . ."

"Because Hawat gave it his personal attention," Nyla said.

She darted a quick look at her face, questioning.

"Do you distrust Hawat?" she asked.

"No, but he's getting old . . . he's overworked. We could take some of the load from him." Nyla replied.

"That'd only shame him and impair his efficiency," Jessica said. "A stray insect won't be able to wander into this wing after he hears about this. He'll be shamed that . . ."

"We must take our own measures," Paul said.

"Hawat has served three generations of Atreides with honor," Jessica said. "He deserves every respect and trust we can pay him . . . many times over."

Paul said: "When our father is bothered by something you've done he says 'Bene Gesserit!' like a swear word."

"And what is it about me that bothers your father?"

"When you argue with him."

"You are not your father, Paul."

And Nyla thought: It'll worry her, but I must tell her what that Mapes woman said about a traitor among us.

"Nyla, you've been awfully silent for once, what are you holding back?" Jessica asked. "This isn't like you."

She shrugged, and recounted the exchange with Mapes.

And Jessica thought for a moment, before showing her two children a fan leaf, and described the message that was written on it in coded bumps:

To the Lady Jessica - 

Your children and Duke are in immediate danger. A bedroom has been designed to attract your son. The H loaded it with death traps to be discovered, leaving one that may escape detection. I do not know the exact nature of the menace, but it has something to do with a bed. The threat to your Duke involves defection of a trusted companion or lieutenant. The H plan to give your daughter as gift to a minion. To the best of my knowledge, this conservatory is safe. Forgive that I cannot tell more. My sources are few as my Count is not in the pay of the H. 

In haste,

Margot Lady Fenring

Nyla nodded with a sick feeling to her stomach, remembering that her father had referred to the Emperor's former proxy here as Count Fenring. But the hidden message of the note demanded immediate attention, concealed in a way to inform that the writer was a Bene Gesserit.

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