"We need to go," She said sharply.

"Why? What's wro-" Star started.

"Go!" The figure urged.

Star turned and rushed back down the trail, the forest slowly fading away behind her. She sat in the emptiness of the bright yellow light surrounding her. She let out a sob. She was so lonely.

The light around her suddenly shifted to a blue. Coincidentally matching her mood. She let a few tears slip away. She suddenly felt a sharp pain in her back, then blacked out.

* * *

"Wha- what?" Star moaned as she slowly stood up.

Star looked up at the bright blue sky. There was something wrong with it, but she didn't know what. She glared at the sky and realized her eyes weren't hurting. There was something wrong with it, the sun was missing.

White, fluffy clouds drifted along like a normal day. She looked harder, still, no sun. She sstarted to panic. Star quickly darted her eyes to make sure nobody was watching. She then started to dig a hole. Just kept digging to hide.

"Today is an un-normal day," Star whispered to herself.

After two hours of digging, she finally gave up. She quietly sobbed and looked down at her paws. They were smudged with dirt and mud.


Star lifted up her ears and whipped her head around. She saw a bright orange figure rushing toward her.

"You're alive!" The orange cat purred.

"Who are you?" Star mewed.

"I'm Amber. Remember? From when we were testing you? I'm so sorry about that, I never wanted that to happen to you I'm so sorry. I wanted to save you! You have been missing for months! Whe- Where were you?" The orange cat cried.

"It's OK, really. And-" Star started.

Wait, how long was I in that, place for? Was that really months! Star thought in awe.

"What is it?"

"Nothing.." Star said looking at her paws.

"Good, just come with me."

Amber bounded down the road. Star slowly tagged along behind her. She glued her eyes to the ground. Amber apparently stopped, causing Star to slam into her.

"Are you OK?" Amber said in a worried voice.

"Fine..." Star mewed, giving herself a couple of embarrassed licks.

Amber pushed away a stone leading into a well-lit cave. Star stared breathlessly at the beautiful, ancient, wall paintings. She turned to Amber and gaped.

"How old is this cave?" Star said flicking her tail to the wall paintings.

"Old. Very old. Maybe one million years, I have no idea," Amber purred, smiling at the paintings. "It's beautiful art though, and still bright and vivid."

"Yeah.." Star replied, being sucked up into the world of art.

"Come on, you can look at all that later," Amber teased.

Star nodded and trailed behind her. She lashed her tail and continued. The torches flickered, casting long shadows across the cold ground. Star became a little spooked and sped up her pace.

Finally, they entered a room with a much dimmer lighting then the hallways. There were two moss beds. It felt as if there was another presence in the room with them.

"Uh- Uhm, Amber, is there anybody else in this room?" Star mewed.

"No, except for maybe a ghooOOoost!" Amber teased, nudging Star.

"He- Heh," Star faked laughed.

She settled down on the moss bed next to Amber's. She stretched her paws far out in front of her. She let out a small yawn, though she wasn't tired. Amber melted into the shadows, and emerged a few seconds later with a ripe, juicy pear in her jaws. She placed it in front of Star and padded away. Star bent down and quickly gobbled it up, licking the juice that ran down her chin. She turned onto her back. She noticed there was a hole in the top of the cave. She crawled over and looked at it. It was almost like a sunroof. Star stared out of it for a while, until she finally noticed something... the stars, they were gone. Just like the sun earlier that day, but yet, it was still light out. This confused Star alot still.

"Star! You OK? You're just staring out of the hole in the cave. If you're wondering, I have no idea how it got there..." Amber mewed bounding back into the room.

"Oh, I'm fine... Have you noticed all the stars are gone? The sun?" Star questioned, partially to herself.

"Hm, I've never noticed that," Amber mewed in awe as she stared out of the hole with her.

Star sighed and crawled back onto her moss bed, she let out a sigh and let sleep take over her. 

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