i one your mom

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I'm so so sorry for making this a thing... but it just had to be done  

Y/N pov:

Panting, I enter the classroom and hunch over as I pass the threshold. "Late again, y/n," Aizawa said rolling his eyes and going back into his yellow sleeping bag that seems to have not been cleaned in a while. My eyes flicker back and forth as I look around the classroom, seeing everyone else talking with someone. I murmur "okay,"  as I rock back and forth on my feet. i look at the other side of the room to see as Bakugou turns to Kirishima and uses his quirk on him, with Kirishima hardening as soon as he strikes. 'What did Kirishima do this time?' I ask, looking at the group of people who are looking at Kirishima with concern. " he tried to call him Bakubro again" mina said shaking her head so that her pink curls fell onto her face." gotcha" i say shooting Kirishima a " really" face. " you know he is going to punch you every time, Right?" i say with a concerned but also questioning face. " I don't mind that's just his way of saying i love you too bro," Kirishima said smiling brightly." have fun with that loverboy," i said rolling my eyes. "we are going to kacchans house after school, you wanna join?" kaminari said earning himself one angry pomeranian. " I TOLD YOU TO STOP CALLING ME THAT DUNCEFACE" bakugou yelled making explosions in his hand. "eeeeh" kaminari yelled rushing behind me. " ha you wouldn't hit a girl would you?" kaminari said in a smug voice resting his chin on my shoulder. " you and me both know that i would in fact hit a girl," bakugou said with a sadistic smirk." all talk," kaminari said nervously chuckling. " wanna bet?" bakugou says making small explosions in both hands. " kami how about we don't use me as a human shield," i say in a whisper. " it will be fine he wouldn't hit you," he said not sounding so confident. bakugou then threw his arm back launching a small explosion right at me and kami who was still behind me. i raise my arms and an invisible force field appeared in front of me and the explosion dissolved when making an impact." i sometimes forget that's your quirk" kaminari said immediately relaxing." you forgot i could do that and you still used me as a human shield?" i said shaking him off my shoulder squinting my eyes at him. " we are both fine so what's the harm" he says shrugging his shoulders. i roll my eyes and then glance at the teacher that is supposed to be teaching us about the history of heroes. "why don't we leave for bakugou's house now? it doesn't look like Aizawa is waking up any time soon" i said glancing at my friends in front of me. " sound good to me, the quicker i can see bakugou's milf of a mom the better" kaminari said walking towards the door. i chuckle at his antics and watch as bakugou runs at the now sprinting kaminari that is running for his life. i look over at mina and jirou who is on her phone sitting behind mina. " hey where is sero?" i ask looking around the room to see him nowhere to be found. " he went to Mexico to visit his family" jirou said still not looking up from her phone." hey are you two going to bakugou's house too?" i ask looking behind me at the door knowing if i don't leave soon it will be hard to catch up to the boys." ya, jirou you coming?" mina says turning in her seat and resting her elbows on Jirou's desk making her look up. " sure whatever" jirou says getting up and grabbing her bag with mina jumping up and down. " let's go gays i mean girls" mina says laughing. "your not funny" i say with a small smile shaking my head. " I'm fucking hilarious," mina says scoffing. "none of you guys are funny," jirou says walking in front of us looking down at her phone intently. i lean over a whisper into mina's ear" i bet she is deep into Wattpad smut fics right now". mina lightly chuckles. i look around the room to still see everyone talking in their designated groups until my eyes stop on Aizawa who is starting to rub his eyes and sit up. "RUN," i say as mina and i bolt to the door with me fumbling on the doorknob. " OPEN IT Y/N," mina says waving her hands in the air frantically. " WHEN DID THIS DOORKNOB TURN INTO A RUBIX CUBE" i scream as i open the door and me and mina sprint out seeing jirou who is leaning against the locker with her arms crossed against her chest smirking at us. " you guys are dumbasses," she says snickering. " how the fuck do you forget how to open a door? who are you know? kaminari?" jirou continues still snickering at her own joke." your a bitch and we better run cause we most definitely woke Aizawa fully with me and mina screaming at the door to open," i say glancing back at the classroom we were still in front of. " ya, I wouldn't sit here long," mina said staring to back away from the door. i look over and see the door crack a little open. " SHIT RUN," i say as we all start to sprint down the hall giggling. when we reach the front door of the school i glance behind my shoulder to see midnight running after us. "all three of you stop where you are" she commands. i push open the door and we all go different ways running across the school lawn me going to the road and mina taking a back way with jirou running into the woods. shit, this is going to be a long day.

thank you for reading the first chapter of i fucked your mom... wtf is this book and why the fuck are you reading it

anyway please like the story 

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