he threw himself off the bed in a huff and grabbed a shirt and pair of pants, he didn't really care if he didn't look dressed for a party, he wouldn't be there long anyway. he made himself look presentable, looking in the mirror and he fixed his hair and put concealer under his eyes and powder on his face before examining himself. he looked good to say it took him only a couple of minutes before dragging himself down the stairs.

he quickly left, grabbing his jacket and beginning to walk down to their flat. he couldn't be bothered waiting for a taxi, so decided to walk the twenty minute journey to give him some time to come up with a plan of how he would avoid iwaizumi at all costs.

but everything he came up with was either ridiculous or obvious, so oikawa decided he would stay until the countdown and make a swift exit afterwards. after all the countdown was the main reason for these parties. he could feel his heartbeat growing louder the closer he got to their flat, and when the building came into sight and he could see the lights from the windows, he almost turned back around and switched off his phone.

but with a couple of deep breaths he forced himself in to greet everyone, seeing yahaba and kentaro first who welcomed him with a big smile, well yahaba smiled, kentaro more nodded and that was that. oikawa stayed with the two of them deciding he couldn't spot iwaizumi so it was a good place to start.

"what took you so long? we were worried you weren't going to show," yahaba asked him.

"i'm not feeling too well really, i'm not staying long, just until the countdown then i'll be off," oikawa said to them both.

"wait? you're joking right? since when do you go home early?" yahaba asked almost offended.

"well i still haven't finished packing yet," oikawa lied, he had done that all day yesterday as an excuse not to leave the house.

"here he is, finally decided to turn up huh?" mattsun asked throwing an arm around him.

"thought you were going to leave without saying goodbye for a second there oikawa, what a shitty friend you are," hanamaki added coming to greet him.

oikawa smiled at the two of them, happy he had come to see them both before he left.

"i considered it," oikawa joked laughing giving them both a hug.

the two hugged him back tightly before hanamaki grabbed his shoulders and looked him straight in the eyes.

"real talk though for a second, you seriously weren't thinking of leaving without saying bye right?" he asked him seriously.

"if i didn't come tonight i was going to see you guys tomorrow, i'm really not that much of a shitty guy," oikawa told the two.

"he is our friend!" hanamaki yelled hugging him again.

"now we just need iwaizumi, then it'll be like old times again, where is he anyway?" matsukawa asked hanamaki.

oikawa froze a little at the mention of him as hanamaki let go and started to tell matsukawa where he had last seen him. oikawa zoned out a little as he realised it was too optimistic of him to think he could get away without seeing iwaizumi at all tonight.

he noticed hanamaki had pointed someone out and began calling them over, as he glanced over to see who he was referring to. it was iwaizumi. fuck. oikawa looked away quickly and down to the floor, he didn't want to see him, not yet anyway. he looked around quickly to see if there was anything that could help. then he spotted just behind kentaro the drinks table. not even muttering a word he walked over there before iwaizumi could reach them and began making himself a drink.

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