Russian weakness helps the Germans grow stronk

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Russian Empire pov

I began industrialization as revolts and riots began to strain us and as I did so huge revolts occurred which after 4 months forced me to release Finland and parts of Poland. I also lost some lands to the damm Ottomans...

German Empire pov

When Poland was released I sent Polish citizens to them to help my empire stabilize itself more. I also helped them economically and militarily in exchange they became a vassal state that was mostly independent aside from who they declare on. When the British Empire found out they thanked me for protecting Poland but warned me to not try and expand overseas. I explained that as long as Russia did not expand overseas my exansion in my colonial empire would see little to non expansion which gave relief to the British and to help calm down the tensions about my expansion in Europe I sent Wilhelm the 2nd to meet their relatives on the throne of the British Empire.

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