"Hey, be quiet! He was a really sweet guy at one point and to be honest he was doing a lot better face-wise back then. He looks tired and stressed now," I mumbled.

"That's what fame does to a person," He scolded. 

"Don't worry about the whole fake boyfriend thing. He'll be gone in a few days and I probably won't ever see him again unless it's through Nicole. I'll just tell him we broke up or something," I assured him. He simply rolled his eyes and stayed quiet until we arrived. We all got out of the car and I took Erin out. The place where the reception was being held was nice. It was big and it was clean. 

"So, should we, like, hold hands or something? I'm not sure how the heteros do it," Chris asked. I chuckled before lacing my fingers with his and walking towards a table. The whole place was nice and peaceful and me and Chris were holding a lovely conversation about the waiter's perfect butt until there was screaming heard from outside. I jumped in my seat as I saw a bunch of screaming girls surrounding a black van. It didn't take me long to realize that 5sos was in that van. I excused myself from the table before walking towards the entrance. The girls weren't even phased when they saw me walk outside. 

"Hey!" I yelled. They all kept mobbing the van. "HEEEEYY!" I screamed. They all finally stopped slowly and turned to look at me. 

"This is my step-mother's wedding! If you girls had any decency and respect you would all leave at this instant! You were not invited here and you are not welcome! I will call the police if I have to!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. A few of the girls dispersed and left but there were still a good ten who refused to move from their spots and kept calling me names. 

"They are not going to leave that van if you keep crowding around it!" I yelled before taking out my phone and dialing the police's number.  Just as it rang a few more of the girls began to walk away, but five were left. I hung up the phone and instead called for the security we hired for tonight. They handled it and dragged the girls away. 

"Thanks, Skylar," Luke sighed as he got out of the van.

"Anytime," I mumbled before walking back into the building. I reached my table and gave Chris a peck on the cheek in hopes that Michael noticed. 

"God, don't take it too far," Chris grumbled.

"I'm not."

"Why are you trying to make him jealous, anyway? I thought you were over it," He asked. I snapped my head towards him and tried my best death glare before taking a sip of my soda.

"I am over it," I said through gritted teeth.

"Doesn't seem like it," He muttered. 

"Who's side are you on, Chris?" I demanded.

"I'm just stating the obvious, Sky," He said as he sipped on his drink. 

"Fuck you," I whispered under my breath.


It had to be past midnight and the party was still going. My eyes itched from how sleepy I was, yet somehow I was still alert. I had taken a bit of alcohol, but I was still sober. Watching Michael dance with all of these pretty girls was getting to me for some reason. It let me to believe that maybe Chris was right and I wasn't over him. God, I felt so stupid. 

"Hey, Sky," Calum walked up to me and took a seat next to me, "Long time no see."           

"Hey, Calum," I greeted as my eyes trailed over to Michael dancing with some brunette. 

"Do you miss him?" He asked quietly. I thought about it for a second as I let his words sink in. I don't miss who he is now. He's a completely different person.

she's a dark pastel ; michael clifford auWhere stories live. Discover now