(3)UA And Friends

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Sorry for the late update, but im so lazy to do anything, even if im on my bed all the time

*Izuku POV*
I began to do the exams, the truth was easy. Intentional misspellings and questions that even a baby can answer, although some were somewhat complicated
After some time I finished the exam, I could hear the whispers of others trying to solve the exam. Well I think it was only me that the exam was made easy, I got up from my chair and started walking towards Present Mic, I felt that some people threw glances at me for finishing something early.
"Oh little listener, do you have any questions?" Mic turned to look at me curiously"Actually I finished the exam"I handed him the exam and I review it with surprise"Eh go back to your seat and wait for the test against the robots" I nodded and walked to my seat, took a little nap
Later a bell rang that meant that the exam was over and had to be delivered to the teachers. Then they took us outside to wait for the doors to open, I stopped somewhat nervously, but stopped when a hand touched my ear "How soft" I felt that I was blushing, I turned to look where the hand came from and was a brown girl with brown eyes, round face and pink cheeks"Emm that with the sudden touch?" Try not to get carried away by the touch, it felt so good, after a few seconds Present Mic spoke "Well little listeners, prepare and when the door opens they come in!"
A few seconds passed and nothing happened, suddenly some began to run inside. I went to the door and it was already open, I also entered"Hey that's cheating!" Listen to the same blue-haired boy who had interrupted Mic"In a mission there is no count, run!" Mic scream
When I entered, I began to destroy the robots, counting every point I gave myself, when I thought I already had some to pass, I decided to take a break since they hurt my legs and arms a lot.
By using for a long time my arms and legs began to hurt terribly, but I already controlled that pain.
I waited a bit, after all the only thing I care about is pass the exam entrance, nothing more

(Meanwhile with the professional heroes)
"Nezu, have you found someone promising this year?" Mic sat next to Nezu"That guy looks a lot like Miruko, he has also scored 90 points"Nezu pointed to the green-haired"W-"Mic was interrupted by Aizawa who was sitting next to him with his sleeping bag on top" Isn't that your son Toshinori and Inko?"Aizawa spoke"But they don't look like anything, Shota"Mic turned to see Aizawa"Currently they look like"Nezu smiled"What do you mean, Nezu?"
Inko on the other hand was covering his face, it was a somewhat embarrassing moment. Meanwhile Toshinori did not pay much attention
"If they look alike, look at the hair is green somewhat light, and as you know Inko's hair color is green, and the light can come from Toshinori while he also has some not so visible strands of blonde color" Nezu took his tea and started drinking it"And then the rabbit characteristics"Mic asked,  Nezu took his tea out of his mouth and left it nearby"It could be a mutant quirk or that Inko has deceived him, but the last thing can not be since Toshinori is silly but not so much as to let him cheat his wife with another man"
"He has a mutant quirk, the truth is I would never have gone with another man" Inko interrupted trying not to hit Nezu"Oh ok"

(Again with deku)
Several minutes have passed and deku moved again, destroyed 2 more robotd until something loud was heard and everyone ran
°°°These are the future heroes?°°°
Deku turned to see why everyone was running, it was a giant robot. His ears moved sharply when he heard a scream coming from the robot's foot. It was the same girl who had helped him with his nerves, he did not hesitate and ran towards the robot, when he arrived he jumped and kicked the robot. The robot fell since the kick was in a very sensitive part for him, when deku landed the end bell rang" All the injured come here "Recovery Girl arrived(Wait this does not make sense)Deku who had a broken leg picked up the girl and took her to recovery girl"Oh honey"Recovery girl cured the girl and then looked at the one who accompanied her"Hello Chiyo"Deku tried to act the most normal"what did I tell you about breaking your legs?"
"Try not to, but she needed my help!"Deku was sweating in fear"You are just like your father"Rg cured deku"Well I leave them alone a couple of lovebirds" Rg left, leaving a broken deku and Uraraka
(After a few days at the Yagi residence)
Deku he was in his room watching his typical All Might videos, when anyone knocked on his door"Izuku sweetie, there is a letter"Deku slowly opened the door then grabbed the letter, his green eyes shining on the dark room, giving a dark aura"Eh, ok im leaving"Inko started running through the halleway
Deku sat on his chair and opened the letter, an hologram appeared"Hello young Yagi, yeah its me your dad!"Deku moved his head in curiosity"This is a letter, that says that youre accepted on UA" Deku started crying"And dont cry"
"Wait is this on live?" Izuku grabbed the thing that projected the hologram"No young man, this is not live and im absolutely not outside your door watching you!"Deku got up and opened the door the same way" There's no one"
(The days has passed and its the first day)

Lolololol this is your friend cliffhanger-kun! And now i will get revenge, because im lazy to continue this >:)

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