chapter 17 : heather

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Darren's pov :

The boys stop crowding and everyone goes to their own devices.

I go upstairs towards my room, passing Justin and Kane whose sitting in the lounge while the rest of the boys are in the kitchen.

I can hear laughs coming from Regie's room, feminine laughs. (idk what feminine laughs sound like but just imagine)

I close my door and start unpacking all my things, crying to myself a little bit.

I hear Regie's door open and then close again and I wipe my face.

I go to the living room and take a seat next to Oli.

Just as my butt his the cushion of the couch Regie comes out his room, with a girl trailing on his arm.

A really pretty girl.

She's wearing his sweater.

It's just polyester.

Her beautiful blue eyes brighter than the blue sky.

How could I hate? She seems like a angel.

But seeing her hanging off his arm in his clothes crushes me.

He doesn't even look up, mesmerized by her.

Why would he even kiss me?

I'm not even half as pretty.

I wish I was her right now.

He seems to love her.


I don't usual have author notes but I hope yall saw what I did with Heather??? Conan Gray stans :)

3rd of December, yall go stream Heather by Conan Gray!

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