2. Quirk Apprehension Test

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"Let's see those quirks then"



You followed all the girls down to the locker room on the first floor, as you were walking behind them it occurred to you that there were a lot more boys in the class than girls. But the girls didn't seem to mind. They were also all talking to each other as if they've already met, it just made you feel more left out.

Once you made it to the locker room, you slipped into one of the stalls to change into your gym uniform. The idea of people seeing you change made you extremely uncomfortable.

The gym uniform was pretty nice in your opinion. While you could hear a few of the other girls complaining about how it did nothing for their figure or made them look box-y, you were glad that it completely covered you and didn't show anything. It made you feel secure. Plus, you could tell it would be easy to move in since it wasn't tight or restricting.

You heard the other girls leaving the locker room so you came out of the stall and followed them outside to the field where Aizawa was standing with the boys.

"Great, everyone's here." Aizawa said in his tired voice. "Let's get started. There will be a series of tests, use your quirks on them, and do your best. Whoever comes in last, will be expelled."


"It's the first day!" The brown-haired girl who was with Midoriya earlier said. "You can't expell anyone!"

"I can and I will." Aizawa stated. "Not everyone deserves to be here. I'm not going to baby you guys the whole year, so get used to hearing the truth."

You couldn't help but feel as if he were talking directly to you as he said that. His eyes scanned the group of students and seeming to linger on you for maybe half a second more than everyone else.

"Bakugo." He called. "Come throw this softball. It's the first test."

He held a softball out to Bakugo who was smirking as he stepped forward and took it.

Bakugo stepped into a circle on the field and looked at Aizawa.

"I can use my quirk?" He asked just to make sure.

Aizawa nodded. "Just don't leave the circle."

"Alright" Bakugo said as he turned back to the field and pulled his arm back. "You asked for it!"

"DIE!" He shouted as he threw the ball, using an explosion to propel it even further.

Aizawa held a small device in his hand that calculated how far the ball went. He announced that it was somewhere in the 700s.

Damn. This might be hard.

For most of the tests your quirk wasn't helpful, but when you were able to use it- you took advantage of it.

The grip test for example, Aizawa handed you the device to grip and as you took it you made sure your fingertips just barely brushed against his hand. As you stepped back from him you mumbled something under your breath so quietly that no one besides you heard it. You gripped the device, not even bothering to use all your strength since you didn't need to. The device Aizawa held beeped, and he read out loud an insane number.

"No way!"

"That was close to your's Shoji!"

"But she didn't look like she was trying!"

"The device doesn't even say that number though!"

"Are Aizawa's eyes okay?"

When you heard everyone whispering about you you quickly handed the device back to Aizawa and went to stand at the back of the group, desperate to get the attention off you.

ON HOLD AS OF 9/4/22 | Toxic | Bakugo x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now