Chapter 2

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You sat on your bed, thinking about what happened the other night. Was it all real? Did I just shift into another reality? What was that? You huff, and get into your pj's, and lay back down. You take a drink of your warm tea, and close your eyes.

You wake up outside, you stare up at the sky. Galaxies... Am I back?! You sat up. Luna walked outside, and ran to you, hugging you tightly. "Y/N!" You jump. You giggle a little bit. Luna grabbed your hand, helping you up and running you inside the bright yellow house with a red roof. A girl with a pink camera head looked at you. "Oh!" She giggled, and Luna took you over to her. "Are you Y/N?" You nodded a little. "Everyone's heard of you! I can't believe I finally got to meet you!" She clapped happily. Luna huffed. "Yes, yes. They're here." The girl with the pink camera head held out her hand. "I'm Scarlett!" You shook her hand, with a smile. "Lovely name." Scarlett blushed. "O-oh, thank you!" You giggled. Luna crossed her arms. Scarlett looked at Luna. "Sorry, Luna.." Luna huffed. "C'mon, Y/N." She grabbed your hand, and walked to a room that looked like a party room. Maxwell was sitting in the room.

"Ah! Y/N! Come sit!"

    Axe was ruffling his wings. You looked at Axe, and sat next to him. You smile at him. Axe looked at you. "Hello, Y/N." You wave. Axe looked at the tea. "I'm not a big fan of tea..." You look at him again. "I can take the tea for you." Axe chuckled softly. "As you wish." You took his cup of tea and drank it. You ate some cookies, too. Mmmm... You smile, happy with the flavor in your mouth. The eye angel was in the air, flying around the room, then out the window. You sighed. Axe looked at you. "You alright?" You look at him. "Yeah, I'm fine..." You smile at him. He looked concerned. "Alright..." You hum, eating some cookies. Maxwell got up, ruffling your H/C hair. You smiled at him, and he chuckled. Axe glared at Maxwell. As Maxwell walked out, Axe looked at you. He poured you some more tea, and Luna sat next to you. "Hiya!" She giggled. You wave to her. She patted your head. "Wanna go see someone? You haven't met her yet." You nodded. Luna grabbed your hand. "Hey, dad, I'm taking Y/N to meet someone!"

Axe looked at the two.

He looked at you, then Luna, then you again. "Alright... Be careful." Axe put some cookies in a bag, and handed them to you. He kissed your head, and walked off. You felt your face heat up a bit. Uh... Weird. Okay. You shrug it off, and start walking with Luna. Luna was humming a song, you couldn't really remember it, but it sounded like the song, "Daisy". You see a little girl in a flower field. She looked a little like Luna, yet no petals around her eye. Luna ran to the little girl, you start to panic. What is she doing!? You ran after her. Luna was hugging the little girl. "Nohvly!" So that's her name... "Who's this, Luna?" Nohvly asked. She looked at you for a minute. "Oh! Y/N!" So the word really does go around, huh..? You nod. "Heh... That's me." She held her hand out. "I'm Nohvly!" You didn't take her hand. "So I've heard.." Nohvly awkwardly pulled her hand away. You cleared your throat. "Lovely meeting you, but I must get going." Nohvly giggled a little. You look at the time, but the clock hands are spinning really fast. You sigh. Luna looks down at you, "Let's go, Y/N!" She grabs your hand again, and runs with you back inside the bright yellow house.

Everything went dark. Suddenly, the ground shakes. You couldn't see anything but pitch black. You fall down, and panic.

Suddenly everything goes back to normal.

Luna looked down at you, while you were on the ground. "Uhm... You alright?" She helped you up. She didn't see that? How did she not see what happened? These questions ran through your mind as you stared at Luna in disbelief. You shook your head fast, and ignored it. You shoved your hands in your F/C hoodie's pockets, and tried to shrug off what happened. Luna took you out to a garden, the flowers were brightly colored, but looked dull at the same time. You saw a whole bunch of trees, but not ordinary trees. The trees were talking, eyes, all over the leaves. Yet, the trees weren't trees. Giant mushrooms. Red mushrooms. The eyes stared at you, saying, "This isn't real. You aren't real. Run. Turn back."

Luna was ignoring them, but saw you looked concerned.

"Hey, don't listen to them. They're just trying to scare you." She put her hand on your shoulder. "I promise." You walked with her, and you saw Axe in the distance. He was just staring at the moon, the moon looked oddly normal. "Beautiful, is it not?" He said. You walk to him, Luna was gone. "I.. Yeah.. Absolutely." You said, looking at the moon as well. Axe turned to you. He took a deep breath. "Y/N..." You looked at him. "Yes?" He put his hand on your shoulder. "We've been expecting your presence for a very long time now." You literally did the ':/' face. "Everyone's already told me so, Axe..." He scratched the back of his head. "Yes, I'm well aware. But, I need to tell you something. We've been waiting for you since you were born, Y/N. You're special. You understand?" Your face looked blank as heck. "Uhm... Yes. Definitely. Totally." Not really.

He huffed, facepalming. "Y/N. You have abilities no one has ever heard of before."

    Abilities? Ha! What abilities? I'm as useless as dirt. Jee, brain. Thanks for the confidence. "Uhm... Nice...?" You smile awkwardly, giving a thumbs up. Idiot. Axe huffed. "Nevermind. We shall speak of this another day." You could hear whistling coming from another part of the garden. You look over and see Maxwell. He was watering the plants. Ah, yes. The British TV man. Axe looked where you were looking. "Hm." He turned to Maxwell. "Hello, Maxwell." The TV man jumped. "Oh, bloody--" He looked at us. "Oh, 'ello!" He looked at you. He bowed. "M'lady." You chuckle a little. Axe rolled his eyes. Maxwell pulled out a flower from god knows where, and handed it to you. "For you." You giggled. "Well, thank you." Axe looked at Maxwell, and then the flower, then back at Maxwell, then at you. Axe huffed. "Y/N..." You turned to look at Axe. "Hm?" He hugged you, wrapping his wings around you. "I'll see you again, yeah?" He kissed your forehead, and you started falling down a hole again.

Then you're awake.

    Jesus christ... Again? What abilities was he talking about? You sighed, and decided to get ready for the new day.

Derealization/Dreamcore/WeirdcoreHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin