"Dr. Amarak gave the disk to me before he died," Shelley Godfrey said.

"What, as opposed to after he died?" Baltar said.

"Amarak gave the disk to me for safekeeping. On the disk is a photo. It was captured from the security camera in the defense mainframe on Caprica. It shows the doctor entering the mainframe without permission the day before the attack," Shelley Godfrey said.

"Nothing criminal about that," Baltar said.

"As you can see, the man in the photo is carrying an explosive device," Shelley Godfrey said.

"Sorry, he's what? He's... I definitely never did that," Baltar said.

"Just before the Cylon attack, the entire defense mainframe was destroyed by this device," Shelley Godfrey said.

"Honestly, that is not me. I wasn't there, it's somebody else. Look, it's not me, I'm not the man in the photograph!" Baltar said.

But the man's face can't be seen, the video only shows his back.

"I see a man, same height, same build but that's a long way from proof, Miss Godfrey," Commander Adama said.

"Thank you, Commander. Now, if we're quite done with this charade, I'm a very busy-" Baltar said.

"I agree, Commander, but look here," Shelley Godfrey said, putting on a pair of ugly clashing glasses, "In the faceplate of the computer terminal there's a reflection of the man's face."

"I can't tell anything from that," Colonel Tigh said.

"Thank you, Colonel Tigh," Baltar said.

"With the right equipment the image could be enlarged and sharpened. We could see his face," Shelley Godfrey said.

"Um, enlarging the image is no problem but, uh, sharpening it..." Lieutenant Gaeta said.

"Would take forever," Baltar said.

"It would take at least a day, sir," Lieutenant Gaeta said.

"Mr. Gaeta, let me know as soon as you have an image," commander Adama said.

"Yes, sir," Lieutenant Gaeta said.

"I'm gonna suspend all work on the Cylon detector," Commander Adama said.

"What?" Baltar said in disbelief.

"As well as your security privileges," Commander Adama said.

Galactica - Adama's Quarters

"And I am convinced, in fact, that she is a Cylon agent. In my opinion, she should be locked up before she can do any more damage," Baltar said.

"Do you have any evidence to support this charge?" Commander Adama asked.

"Work on the Cylon detector is nearly complete. With a few tweaks here and there, I'll have a test regime up and running. All I need is a tissue sample from this woman for analysis," Baltar said.

"I can't allow you access to your equipment," Commander Adama said.

"All right. But, under instruction, I could show Lt. Gaeta how to prepare the samples. It's not difficult," Baltar said.

"Let me be frank with you, doctor: if your picture's on that photograph, every piece of equipment in your laboratory will be dismantled and quarantined and every person that you've met will be questioned and investigated," Commander Adama said.


"The President believes I'm innocent," Baltar said.

"The President hopes you're innocent. And so do I. Because if you're not, then you've made fools of both of us. And I don't like to be made a fool of," Commander Adama said.

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