2:3 Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges (In Times of War, the Laws Fall Silent)

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"Do you know the Commander of the Vanguard?" President Roslin asked.

"No, but I believe Admiral Cain does," Commander Adama said, at which Admiral Cain gave him a perplexed and confused look.

The doors opened and Commander Belzen and Commander Hastings entered the room. Of course Fisk and Cain seemed to become paralyzed after seeing Commander Belzen. To their knowledge, he was supposed to be dead. Without even looking at the Admiral, Commander Belzen came closer and raised his hand to Adama who quickly followed suit. After shaking hands, Commander Adama presented Commander Belzen with President Roslin.

"I am glad to meet you Madam President," Commander Belzen said, "Ah I see Admiral Cain and Colonel Fisk. You sure got my position fast, didn't you Jack?"

"You know each other?" President Roslin asked.

"Of course, I was XO on the Pegasus during the Cylon attack," Commander Belzen replied.

"They said that the Admiral put you in a broken Raptor and left you die, because you disobeyed a direct order?" Commander Adama asked while watching Admiral Cain, there was red on her face and she was furious.

"It is custom to salute a superior officer Commander," Admiral Cain said coldly.

"I won't salute you admiral. Not after what you have done to me and to those ships you left behind; stripping them from everything useful and leaving them to die, and not to mention after ordering the killing of innocent family members of those who refused to join your crew. Oh, don't look at me that way; you know very well what I'm talking about. And how do I know? We were able to save a few survivors from a ship that managed to jump away before you stripped the Scylla's fleet of their FTL drives and they told us everything about what happened," Commander Belzen said.

"How did you survive?" Colonel Fisk asked.

"One of the marines smuggled food and water on the Raptor and a basic repair kit. I repaired the thruster control and had enough power and air to get to the nearest fleet depot. I landed on one of the ships there and shared my resources. I was finally saved by one of the search parties from Olympia station who scavenged the depot," Commander Belzen said.

"There are more survivors back home?" Commander Adama asked.

"The Cylons jammed the entire system; so it's no wonder you didn't get all the messages, but yes there were many ships that survived the attack. Admiral Thorn on Olympia station, Admiral Stryker from Battlestar Atlantis, you commander and the Pegasus, and we believe the Nova class Battlestar Prometheus and her escorts are out in space at the Copernicus colony they were colonizing just before the Cylon attack," Commander Belzen said.

"Stryker? Mark Stryker? That rat, he was a Commander last time I saw him," Admiral Cain said, "Since when did he become an Admiral?"

"Stryker was in charge of a mission to the Terminus sector in order to create a secret colony in case of a Cylon attack, though nobody knew that the Cylons would actually attack us and much sooner than the Admiralty thought possible at the time. During the battle of Virgon; Admiral Nagala sent a last message to Stryker promoting him to the rank of Admiral, with orders to bring all survivors back to the colony now known as Avalon as part of Operation Exodus," Commander Belzen said.

"Operation Exodus, I've never heard of that?" Commander Adama said.

"Of course commander; only Fleet Admiral Torres, and several Admirals in the fleet knew about it. The whole plan was in preparation for almost 20 years. Many ships that should have been retired and scrapped stayed active or in reserve. Several facilities were made or kept active especially for the plan in case of an attack; like super large mobile shipyards called Unity and Eternity, Olympia station, and even the Hera station. After some time, Admiral Stryker was promoted to Fleet Admiral. Which means Admiral, you are taking orders from him now," Commander Belzen said looking at Admiral Cain.

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