Chapter 1: Gaurdians get their charges

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----many many years later----
-----Artemis's POV -----
I sit in my chair wearing my armor and toga my bow and quiver over my shoulder my bother next to me playing his lyre and  he knows its annoying me and he's playing it just to annoy me." APOLLO STOP PLAYING OR I SWEAR TO CHAOS ILL SHOVE A KNIFE UP YOUR!!*horns start playing announcing the arrival of chaos and the fully fledged guardians stopping me from finishing my words chaos enters through a portal, fog fills the entrance of the as chaos enters and to her side all wearing armor and helmets, all these warriors are all children of the various Olympian gods and trusted titans who swore an oath to chaos, to server there charges with honor and dignity. i see Zeus bow as do we all as is ceremonial, and chaos bows back saying " rise gods of Olympus, Guardians meet you possible charges." she continued with her speech of the Guardians roles and duties, i looked at the many female Guardians, and i spot a specific male in front of the rest he is taller then the rest his armor covers his face and skin unlike the rest I'm intrigued but soon return my focus to chaos as she calls my father who stands up eyes the females which i roll my eyes to chaos knowing Zeus's motives and habits says" you do not choose you Guardian Zeus, i do." Zeus frowns like a spoiled brat as she says" Eritreus son of Athena greet your charge", a young man steps up first saluting the mysterious figure and then bows to Zeus saying" it honors me to be your guardian lord Zeus!" the boy takes his seat beside Zeus after receiving his blessing from Zeus. Hera is next and i zoned out until my name was called. i stood bowing to chaos again and look at the remaining Guardians to find them all to be what i assumed to be males. chaos smiles at me softly saying" to you Artemis i give the strongest and most loyal and trust worthy Guardian, and the leader of the lot Soren Draven son of... well i think you will recognize him given time it has been a few hundred years." Soren walks up bowing to her saying" it is my honor to serve and protect you and your hunt lady Artemis." i nod my eyes showing im not happy about having a male guardian, chaos picks up on this saying" Artemis is something the matter with your guardian?" i nod saying" its a male, ma'am, you know the oath i took, and the oath my hunters made." chaos chuckles softly" you worry about your oath and your hunters very admirable, but do not worry, soren has spent many decades keeping you and other half-bloods safe. many see him as there big brother." i grit my teeth." how am i to trust someone who hides there face?" hear a heavy thud and the marble breaks under the weight of the helmet soren stands there, golden scales cover his arms and back, two wings sprout from his back, i see Ares and my father seem to falter by the pressure of this immense power. the boy says" don't you recognize me lady Artemis, you were there at my fathers death." 

what will happen next time 
sorry for the cliff hanger, and i hope yall enjoyed it

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 15, 2021 ⏰

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