1:1 Path to the Unknown Part I

Start from the beginning

"And we're sure they're not testing those weapons only for fun; not where they could be caught red handed. Either they're being negligent in testing their weapons close to the colonies, or they want us to know they're coming. You see, when the Cylons departed colonial space almost 39 years ago, they took a lot of tech with them to include; nuclear weapons, genetic laboratory gear, and much more," Admiral Nagala said.

"But why would they need genetic labs?" Commander Stryker asked.

Admiral Nagala prepared to answer but was interrupted by one marine that said, "Admiral on deck."

"Carry on," Admiral Nagala said and added, "can I have everyone's attention please." The entire CIC crew stopped doing their jobs and looked up. "This is Commander Stryker, he is assigned as the commanding officer of this ship, I expect that you will follow all his orders properly," Admiral Nagala said.

"Commander, this is your XO Richard Haller, and Master Chief petty officer Ronald Walker," Admiral Nagala said pointing to two men that had just arrived in CIC.

"It's a pleasure sir," both the XO and Chief said.

"I will be taking the Commander to the Commanders flag suite," Admiral Nagala said and added, "Mister Haller, CIC is yours."

Haller nodded his head, "I have CIC aye sir."

Flag Suite

Battlestar Atlantis

"Your orders are to take your command and with several other ships go to these coordinates," Admiral Nagala said as they entered the room and held up a file with the target locations FTL coordinates to be reached at the end of their mission. "Your orders are to setup a colony there."

"Colony?" Commander Stryker asked.

"Yes Commander, Atlantis will be accompanied by Battlestars Sword and Pleiades, the Gunstars Iliad, Novalis, and Fortune, and the Warstar Argona a..." Admiral Nagala said before being interrupted.

"Warstar Argona sir?" Stryker interrupted, "I've never heard of her, or of the Sword."

"Of course you haven't," Admiral Nagala said smiling, "you see those two ships and the Atlantis were built in secrecy, and only a few high ranking military personal know about the Argona, Sword, and Atlantis, and that is for the best."

Nagala stopped for a second and then added, "yes I can also see by your face that you have a question about why the hell I brought a Warstar with me. She is not your usual Warstar; she is the second ship in the Andraste class, but she was remodeled to serve as a mobile repair and construction platform, and as such her left hangar pods have several dock extensions for ships to dock. In fact, she serves as a mobile dock for this expedition, an armed mobile dock."

"I must say that I'm in shock sir. I know only one Andraste was constructed and that was the Andraste herself," Commander Stryker replied in shock. "What I know is that the Quorum paid for only one ship, and with good reason. It's too damn expensive; I have to seriously doubt that they gave money for a second one to be constructed."

"You are correct Commander, they did not," Admiral Nagala said.

"Now here's the important part," Admiral Nagala continued, "this battle group is under LHP direction."

"LHP?" Commander Stryker asked.

"LHP or Last Hope Plan, is a group that is consisted from military and civilian companies not under the authority of the president or quorum. All ships carry colonial insignias, but they are not from the colonial fleet with the exceptions of the Pleiades and Gunstars, which are all officially retired," Admiral Nagala explained.

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