"akaza-dono! my head didn't re-grow after you punched me!" douma whined, but satisfied. "isn't that strange?" akaza asked. "now that i think of it.. it does sound and look strange!" douma spoke, as his body picked up his head and reattached it.

"both of you.. don't run off like that.." kokushibo appeared in front of them both. "sorry kokushibo-dono~!" douma cheerily apologized, as akaza mumbled a small apology. "the sun's going to head up soon.. we should go back or either.. we could find a spot to hide in for the time being.." kokushibo suggested. "let's go for the 2nd option where we find a spot to hide in for the reeesstt of the day!" douma spread his arms out in the air in a cheery manner. "right akaza-dono?" douma moved closer to akaza, smiling. seeing douma smiling at him as a sign to say yes was annoying, but nonetheless, akaza agreed to it in a salty manner.

"great let's go find a secret hideout~!" douma marched away from kokushibo and akaza, "get back here you-" akaza fumed, chasing after douma. "i'm getting... a bad feeling of what's going to happen.." kokushibo murmured, speed walking behind the fighting duo.

"by night time we can head back to that man, so we don't have to get punished by listening to his very horrifying lecture for hours!" douma clasped his hands together in such happy manner; but little did they know, they weren't going to head back there for quite a long time; not knowing they had already entered another universe.


"akaza-dono look a bird!" douma suddenly exclaimed, pointing up to the sky while they walked under the shades. "Where!?" akaza immediately looked around his surroundings up in the sky, only to be met with a laughing voice; "haha made you look akaza-dono~!" he laughed, holding his stomach. "i see.. you want to be kicked in the stomach..?" akaza asked with a very horrifying tone and smile, sending douma shivers and a pray to heaven.

"Ah, it's time to pray to kami-sama-! oh wait, i am god!" he laughed a bit, before meeting a very hard kick sending him flying across many trees. "ow!" douma repeated as much as how much he hit trees. "i think i might've broken my back!" douma cried, as he kept flying to who knows where.


"..I think we should.. go get douma.. since it's been quite a little while of when he would usually be back from those kicks of yours.." kokushibo turned to akaza; who seemed to be missing from where he last was standing from.

"akaza..?" kokushibo looked around his surroundings, before cursing. "i lost them both.. does this mean i'm irresponsible now..?" kokushibo stood in the middle of the 'who-knows-where' forest. re-thinking what went wrong here. "H-HOLY SHIT IT'S A WOLF!" a screaming voice screamed; who was familiar. "akaza..!?" kokushibo had took a second look at akaza; who seemed to be looking different, black hair, wearing the same demon clothes, and his basketball stripes seem to be gone.

"kokushibo, help meeEE!" his screeching voice screamed louder, as the wolf ran faster than before; 'he's a runner he's a trackstar..' kokushibo thought. "what do i do.. hit it with my katana..?" kokushibo stared at the running akaza, "YES! DO WHATEVER!" akaza ran into kokushibo's direction.

"wait.. I didn't ask you to run into my direction..!" kokushibo jumped, seeming to run the opposite direction, away from the wolf. "I thought you weren't scared! you're uppermoon one..!!" akaza yelled, running besides kokushibo, "i would've attacked it.. but my body moved on it's own and ran..!" kokushibo replied.

"Is the wolf still chasing us..?! I feel tired from running all of a sudden!" akaza complained, "we need to find douma.. akaza, have you noticed..?" kokushibo asked, "noticed what?" akaza asked; not looking in Kokushibo's direction, "your features, they're more human like.." kokushibo mumbled, sweating from the run.

"WhaT!?" akaza yelled, finally snapping his head in kokushibo's direction; noticing his features. "Who are you!? you look different?!" akaza looked at kokushibo, "kokushibo!?" akaza yelled, taking a notice at his clothes. "why are we human!?" he yelled, "not sure.. but we need.. to find douma.. he might've broke his back from that kick, if he's still flying through trees.. that is." kokushibo told, "if he's human.. would that mean he finally doesn't get to eat women anymore?" akaza asked, a hint of relief in his tone. "well.. yes.." kokushibo replied.

"that's great!" akaza smiled, before tripping over something and hit the dirt. "ouch! that hurt!!" a very, annoying familiar voice cried out. "douma..?" akaza glared at douma. "yes! no! who are you!?" douma pointed a finger at akaza. "akaza." he replied; seeming to lit up douma, "oh akaza-dono! you look so different! and so does kokushibo-dono!" douma complimented. "whatever. you look the same, but you have blonde hair instead of sliver-grey." akaza replied, crossing his arms and he sat up.

"i look the same?! awh.. I was hoping to look cooler!" he'd complained, pouting like a child who didn't get what they wanted. "hey! what are you three doing here?! get out, this place is closed!" a voice yelled at them three, dragging them from the back of collars and kicked them out.

"this hiking forest is CLOSED! don't come back until it's opened!" the voice grumbled, slamming the door in their faces. "ouch, my butt!" douma rubbed his ass. "ew gross, wash your hands!" akaza slapped douma's head; forgetting they weren't demons anymore. "owie! akaza-dono!!" 

[ 4/8/2022 ] - not proof read

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[ 4/8/2022 ] - not proof read

% ,, REVERSE ISEKAI 💨Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora