Scene 1

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The lights dimmed and a bright white light appeared at the center of the stage, there stood a young man holding a violin, he positions the violin and then slowly started to play. Everyone kept their eyes on him; it was like everyone was in some kind of spell.

A pair of golden eyes looked at the man who was playing right now, a smirk slowly crept onto his face as he watched the performance, by the end of this performance the smirk still remained on his face. The musician bowed and made his way onto the backstage, loud applauses could be heard from the audience, he made sudden eye contact with the golden-eyed boy before slowly passing him.

The man who just played the violin was named Ugetsu Murata. A well known musician and was often called a genius on how good he played, Ugetsu made his way to his private room, his manager who just entered his room made a few announcements. The brown-eyed boy didn't pay much attention until something that his manager said peeked his interest. "What did you say?" He asked looking at his manager with an amused look shown on his face. "You will be having a partner for your next 3 shows" the manager spoke before giving Ugetsu a contract that has yet to be signed.

Ugetsu sighed and signed the contract not bothering to read it. It wasn't like this was the first partnership he had with someone but oh how he wished he didn't sign it and later on regretting it. The manager left briefly before coming back in with the man Ugetsu saw earlier. Ugetsu later found out that this man was the one who he will be partnered with. "Nice to meet you beautiful" Ugetsu cringed at the nickname that was given to him but his face remained the same, unamused. The man chuckled and introduced himself as Ikumi Y/n.

Now this was the time Ugetsu felt stupid for not realizing sooner that the name Ikumi Y/n was the CEO of Ikumi Tech and is going to be the one who ruins his life for the next 3 performances. Ugetsu didn't know why he hadn't recognized that one of the most powerful CEO was going to be his partner.

As the days progressed with them practicing for their first performance, Y/n found himself falling deeper for the chocolate-eyed boy and Ugetsu found himself hating the golden-eyed playboy more. Y/n kept teasing Ugetsu nonstop and it annoyed Ugetsu all the time but there was a day where Ugetsu had enough.

Ugetsu went to his usual work place but something was different about him and everyone noticed. He was paler and had dark circles around his eyes, indicating that he hasn't slept well for the past week. All of this happened in a span of a week, what happened throughout that week? Well Akihiko broke up with Ugetsu. After the break up everything went downhill for Ugetsu, he found himself drinking and smoking more, he wasn't able to sleep the past week, he cried and cried hoping that it was all a dream and that Akihiko would come back home but reality slapped him hard in the face and therefore he knew Akihiko would never come back.

The door swung open and there stood Ikumi Y/n, he quickly spotted the brunette that he loved and made his way over to him. As he progressed to the brunette, he couldn't help but feel the tension of the room rising, he ignored (which was a big mistake) and made his way to the brunette. Y/n noticed the dark circles on Ugetsu's face and his skin was paler. Ugetsu wore a sad expression and it was clearly evident that he was not in the mood for any crap right now.

The day progressed and Y/n still kept teasing Ugetsu, hoping that he could get the brunette back to his normal self but it only got worse, to the point Ugetsu yelled at Y/n to stop. This shocked the silver head. Ugetsu yelled and yelled at Y/n that he was annoying as hell, he wanted nothing to do with him and he wanted Y/n to leave him alone and that he doesn't need him.
"I don't care if we are partners, I'm ending the contract." were the final words he told to Y/n before looking down at the ground, tears welling up to his eyes as he covered it with his hair. The staff looked at them with shock/scared expressions.

After everything Y/n's smirk turned into a genuine smile, people may think he was crazy but he didn't care. Y/n patted Ugetsu's hair and softly spoke "if that is what you think of me and if that is what you want me to do then I'm fine with that but don't end the contract just because of that" he paused for a second and hugged the smaller boy, he kept stroking Ugetsu's hair "I'll leave you alone, sorry for causing you so much annoyance and pain" he let go of Ugetsu, immediately Ugetsu felt cold as the once warmth from the silver head left his body.

Y/n walked towards Ugetsu's manager telling him to bring Ugetsu home. Y/n left the place and went home, even though Ugetsu yelled at him, he still found himself smiling and falling deeper for the boy, 'maybe I'm a masochist' he thought before chuckling to himself because he was still happy, he cant get mad at Ugetsu, scratch that he couldn't get mad at him. After all, he loves him so much.

Y/n spent the rest of his day at his house thinking about everything. He took care of his dog and did his household chores waiting for what's to come next.

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