Who's the mad man?

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Chapter 6 : Enemies everywhere
"You just missed a show."

Haesoo had her back meeting the mattress with a slight force since Doyoung pushed her by her shoulder, he was leaning closer and closer by each second making her feel butterflies under his stare. "I told you Haesoo. I still like you and you're mine, only mine." He whispered right beside her ear.

Doyoung's hands started to slipped inside her pajamas caressing the line of her waist while her palms on his chest pushing away his body that hovered hers. Her face were turned to the side, making Doyoung have full access to her collarbone as he buried his face there while inhaling her scent. He was drowned, completely tipsy by the scent of her.

He placed a few kisses down the crook of her neck to her collarbone, Haesoo was still fighting for her life by pushing his chest with all her might but unfortunately he was a lot tougher. His eyes ponders on her expression that obviously stated that she was not uncomfortable, but still Doyoung continue to place smooches on her forehead, nose and cheeks.

Lips? He save it for the last.

A playful sneer could be seen while his thumb was still caressing her skin. "Look at me Haesoo." He said while she shook her head in small, a drop of tears escape at the corner of her eyes while her lips were trembling in fear. Doyoung put his finger on her chin turning her head to face him resulting her eyes to meet his.

"Why are you crying love? I'm not going to hurt you." He wiped away her tears before placing a long kiss on her forehead hoping that it would help her to cool down. Doyoung was about to lean for more when the door burst open revealing Hyunsuk and Junghwan who was panting since they ran up the stairs.

"Are you both-- sorry, did we interrupt your activity?" Hyunsuk had placed his two palms covering Junghwan's innocent eyes with a disgusted look. "Hey why are you covering my eyes!" Junghwan hits the older one's arm numerous time causing Doyoung to stand up while Haesoo still froze on the bed.

"It's fine. I'm just consoling her." With that, Hyunsuk put down his palms before following Doyoung who went downstairs while his hands on his pocket. All of the members gathered in the middle of the living room with Haesoo sitting beside the leader. He keep one of his hands one her waist.

"Haesoo, if you're scared to live alone you can move in with us. I'm sure Doyoung will agree." Yoshi suggested before receiving a few nods from the members including the leader himself. "My university starts in a few days." She reciprocated while fumbling with the hem of her shirt, to fear to look at them especially Doyoung. The scene from earlier still playing in her mind.

"No worries, I'll drive you to school and stay with you until your class ends. I'll asked one of them to accompany you if I wasn't there. How about that love?" Haesoo had cleared her throat and blink her eyes a few times at his remark, her heart beats rapidly. "But--"

"You know I don't accept rejection." He whispered beside her ear causing her to feel shivers down her spine. She gulped. "When?" She questioned, a big smug plastered across his face while she looked at him. Oh how Haesoo wish to tear off his face right now. "Tomorrow morning or tonight? Your choice."

Didn't know how did she end up standing in front of the room in one of the mansion with a luggage on her side, Doyoung opened the bedroom door for her. "Make yourself comfortable." He welcomed as she ploddingly bring her step inside with her eyes nosing around the room. He had left to his room so that Haesoo could unpack her things.

Haesoo let out a huff after she'd settled down, she took her towel and went inside the bathroom only to meet Doyoung in a bathrobe with his wet hair brushing his teeth in front of the mirror. "Why are you in my bathroom?" She questioned a little surprised of his presence. He spit out the toothpaste and rinse his mouth before turning to her.

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