Part 7

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But obviously, Narcissa being Narcissa, shooed them away with one look.

Over the next few days, Harry was constantly hiding from some angry Slytherin men, and an overprotective mother who was currently mad at them for treating Harry so terribly. So, instead of spending all their time trying to squeeze information out of Potter, those two decided to dedicate their time to getting Narcissa to forgive them, and eventually she did.

None of them mentioned that day that Harry cried and everything was turning out okay until that day when Harry was reading his history book.

He fell asleep reading about how Gringotts had expanded 2 micro-millimeters once, and how insulting it was for some wizards known as the Wiquisitors. Apparently, a war would have started if it wasn't for the fact that a random muggle group distracted them by creating attacks against another group of muggles. 

Unfortunately for Harry though, he had fallen asleep at the exact moment when Narcissa decided it was time for lunch. She had sent Severus upstairs to call Harry downstairs. Snape was trudging, somehow still gracefully, up the stairs, grumbling inwardly about being stuck with Potter the whole time.

Knocking on the door, he waited a few seconds before deciding that he would go inside – it was his house after all. Barging into the room, the potion's professor found himself freezing at the sight before him. His hands trembled and bead of sweat trickled down his forehead.

"Lily" he whispered.

What he saw before him really did look like Lily. Potter was lying on the desk, his head buried into the sleeves of his navy-blue sweater.

Suddenly, he noticed something odd near the end of his sleeves. It looked like it was stained in a faint brownish red paint. Severus was unable to hold back his curiosity and gently tugged at the sweater. What he saw next shocked him–there were so many scratches on his hand. Some of them had scabs. Others looked dark brown and some of them had turned into a slightly yellow hue, indicating that it was healing.

However, the most peculiar thing about this whole incident, was that some of the injuries looked fresh.

Hello everyone! I appreciate you waiting for me for this long. One of the people at school pushed me down the stairs and I fell. Thankfully, there was no permanent damage, but I broke my left arm and twisted my ankles. So, sorry for this, but I will be updating a bit lesser than usual and chapters will probably be short. 

(442 Words)

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