Part 5: Plans

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{Hayley's POV}

As we stepped out of the cab in front of the club, I see a que lined right around the corner. I can't be bothered lining up with that, I think M has the same thought as I hear her grunt. Sebastian said he would get our names on the list, I wonder if I can just cut the que. Only one way to find out. I grab Mikayla's hand and stride towards the bouncer at the front of the line. "Erm Hayles what are you doing?" she asks as I drag her with me.

I have no idea what I am doing at this point, I hope this works and all the glares I'm getting from others are worth it. As we reach the front, the large man looks up from his clipboard and looks directly at us. "Name?" is all he says.

"Hayley Monroe plus one." I reply as he begins scanning his list. God I hope my name is there and I haven't just made myself look like an idiot.

After what seems like forever, he finally seems to have found it. "I've been instructed to tell you to head over to the VIP section in the back." he states as shock covers Mikayla's face.

"Great thanks." I reply, smiling at the bouncer before ushering M inside.

Stepping through the doors was like stepping into another world. The whole atmosphere completely changed from outside, the lights are intoxicating. I've never been big on clubbing, but this seems like a place I could get used to. The room has so many people in it, yet it barely seemed full. It's better than the other night clubs that are packed to the brim with people and you can't breath from being so close to one another. My thoughts are broken by the sound of Mikayla's voice over the echoing music. "Your friend has pulled a lot of strings. What are they? A celebrity?" she chuckles. Oh you have no idea M.

We finally reach the VIP section after parading through people for what seemed like forever. After giving my name to the guy on security, he moves aside the rope separating the areas, allowing us to pass. God this feels weird. The VIP section seems to be quite large, I guess they get a lot of important people coming here. Then there is little old me who is practically nobody, it's quite humorous. As I glance around the area, my eyes meet with the man who got me here. I don't think Mikayla has noticed him yet due to her lack of freaking out. Although, I feel she may still be a bit star struck at our presence here. "Omg Hayley. Sebastian Stan is here!" M squeals. Well that lasted long. 

"No way!" I say in the most sarcastic tone I could muster. "Come on" I chuckle as I walk towards Sebastian. 

"What are you doing? You can't just go sit with him." I hear Mikayla say as she scurries behind me.

I laugh to myself as I reach his table and take a seat next to him. I can see a hint of surprise in his smile as I sit with him. "I'm actually shocked that you came." he states "I thought that you were going to stand me up."

"I did contemplate it but I guess I was feeling generous today." I reply, raising my brows at him with a smirk.

"What the hell!" Mikayla gawks as she stands in complete shock. "You're mystery friend is Sebastian Stan!"

I roll my eyes at her complete fan girl moment as she sits next to me. "Like I told you before, he isn't my friend." I tell her before glancing to see Sebastian's reaction to my words.

His brows raise in question as his jaw drops, clearly exaggerating his actions. "Oh because that would be such a bad thing." he says as he shakes his head at me.

I don't even entertain his statement, I just simply roll my eyes in response. "This is Mikayla." I decide to say seen as though Mikayla is yet to do so.

She quickly catches up with what I said and speaks to him. "It's so nice to meet you, I'm a big fan." she tells him as I look at Sebastian with an 'I told you so' look to which he smiles.

"Yeh Hayley told me you were a fan. It's nice to meet you too." he smiles.

"I was actually at one of your meet and greets the other day." she blurts, excitement clearly still coursing through her body. I can't help but smile at how happy she is right now, I'm so glad I kept it a surprise.

"Oh the one with Mackie?" he asks her.

"Yeh it was a great day." she says with a bright smile.

"Yeh it was a pretty good day, wouldn't you say Hayley?" he smirks, focusing his eyes back onto me.

"Me getting knocked on my ass was not a great day."  I glare.

"Yeh but the guy who did it thought it was though" he teases. This man just loves winding me up.

Mikayla laughs in her seat next to me, clearly catching on to the situation. "Wait, he was the 'jackass' who you were talking about?" she questions, still laughing.

"The one and only." Sebastian lets out a chuckle.

"If only my phone hadn't died, then none of that would have happened." I sigh, awaiting his reaction.

"Well I'm certainly glad it did." he states, shooting me a smile.

"And why would that be Mr Stan?" I tease, trying to push him further.

"Because then I wouldn't have met you and your charming personality." he replies, rolling his eyes. Was that a compliment or an insult? Or both? 

"Ha ha. Very funny." I sass as we all laugh.

"Would you ladies like a drink?" he asks.

"Obviously if I have to put up with you all night." I tease, winking at him.

"Is that right?" he questions, raising his brows at me.

I just smirk in response. I love pushing his buttons just as I know he loves pushing mine. Maybe I will have some fun tonight after all. "We will go to the bar and get the drinks." M says, standing to her feet. " I need to talk to Hayley a minute."

I look at her inquisitively as she pulls me to my feet. She drags me to the bar without saying a word. Once we reach the bar I can tell she has something to say. "Really? You couldn't have told me that we were going out with Sebastian Stan." she says earing a laugh from me.

"Because I knew you'd make a huge deal out of it. He invited us out after the shoot today." I tell her, she knows that she would have freaked so she can't even deny it.

"Ok, I get your point." she giggles. "Well I'm going to need something strong for my nerves."

It's so funny how much this affects her. "He's just a guy M." I remind her, which she shoots me a glare in return.

"He is literally a movie star." she exclaims. "Just because you're weird and don't get nervous doesn't mean I don't."

"I know, I know." I reassure her. "Just do me a favour and try to compose yourself when we get back over there."

"I will don't worry." she smiles. Her smile almost convinces me, but I know my best friend. She will still be totally freaking out inside

We get our drinks and make our way back through the crowds to where Sebastian sat patiently. I pass him over his drink as I take my seat, to which he offers a smile. I wonder how this night is going to pan out.

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