Part 4: The shoot

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"Let's have you sat on the chair." I instruct and he follows. "Just play around with the steamer."

I begin taking some photos of him as he messes around with the steamer. He starts to aim up his top, "This feels pretty nice you know." he states as he continues to mess around with it. 

I can't help but smile at how childish he looks right now. As I'm about to take another photo, he aims the steamer directly at me. "Oh that definitely feels nice." I chuckle as the steam hits my face. "I think I have enough here, you can go get changed into your next outfit."

"Yes sir." he says, saluting me. 

Shaking my head at his gesture, I turn to check over the new photos whilst he changes. After a while Sebastian returns in a new outfit and I direct him to a new section of the room. "Now I want you to do something with these rings. Do whatever you want." I tell him. 

"No problem." he smirks as he flips himself upside down with ease. He somehow makes it look easy to hold himself in that position as I take a couple photos.

As he gets down from his position, I decide to make a few changes. "Can you take your shirt off for this last shot?" I ask him, earning a smirk.

He begins to do some pull ups and I snap some photos from different angles. "Great. We are almost done." I say as I look over the photos. "We will take a quick break before we carry on."

I take a swig of my coffee as I scan through the photos I have taken. Once I have finished, I give everyone a few more minutes to rest. My first day is actually going well, I have no idea why I was so nervous. "Ok, breaks over." I announce.

Sebastian makes his way over to me with a smile across his face. This man is trouble. "Where do you want me?" he asks.

"Over there, stood in the bath." I respond.

As he takes his position I can't help but admire the way his muscles flex. Although I don't fawn over him like most girls, I can't deny that he is in fantastic shape. "Those were great." I approve as I look over the pictures. 

"Aww how sweet of you." he beams.

"I was actually talking about my photography skills but whatever." I laugh.

"I'll be back in a minute." he chuckles in return as he heads off to get changed.

Whilst he changes, I change my lenses and set up the next area. Once I'm finished, I see Sebastian strutting over in some swim shorts, a tank top and tanning goggles. "Oh this is definitely my favourite." he proclaims as he dances his way over to me.

As soon as I see him I can't contain my laughter. "Oh yes, I am going to get some great shots." I chuckle as he continues to dance.

"Let's get to it then." he says as he positions himself.

He is doing his own poses, which I have no objection to. These shots are hilarious, I can't wait to edit them. Right as I'm about to take a photo, he pretends to karate kick me. I didn't know that he was actually funny, I guess there is more than meets the eye. "I think I've got everything I need, so we are done here." I announce.

Everyone begins to pack up as I check through my laptop making sure the photos are all uploaded. They all look good so far, I don't need to edit much. "So how do they look?" I hear a voice ask from behind me.

I glance over my shoulder to see Sebastian's eyes locked on the screen of my laptop. "I still need to work my magic to make you look half decent." I smirk.

"You can't help but hurt my feeling can you." he remarks.

I spin to face him, folding my arms over my chest. "It's payback for you making me hurt my ass." I laugh.

"Yeh I'm very sorry about that." he apologises. "I still need to make it up to you. How about we do something later?"

"Go out with you?" I gasped jokingly, "Yeh, no thanks." 

He shakes his head, letting out a sigh. "I'm not taking non for an answer."

"Seriously?" I question.

"Yes seriously." he laughs. "What are you doing tonight?"

"I'm supposed to be going out for drinks with my friend." I tell him.

"Perfect!" he exclaims. "Why don't you guys stop by this club I go to at 8?"

He is going to keep pushing until I agree, I can tell. One night and then I won't see him again. "Fine." I sigh "What's the name of the club?"

As soon as the words leave my lips, a huge smile spreads across his face. " It's called the Paradise Club. I'll get your name put on the list." he smiles.

"Ok." I reply, rolling my eyes. "Oh and just to let you know, my friend is a big fan."

"Just like you then." he teases. 

"Obviously" I chuckle.

"I'll see you later then." he smirks as he begins to walk away.

{Sebastian's POV}

"Only if you're lucky." she calls out to me as I walk away.

I flash her a smile before turning away and whispering under my breath, "I hope I am." 

{Hayley's POV}

Once I got home from the shoot I rang Mikayla and told her to come over. She doesn't live that far away so it wasn't long before she was walking through my door. "Hey girl, how was it?" she asks the second she enters.

"It was great actually, I had a lot of fun." I tell her as she takes a seat next to me on the sofa.

"Sooooo, who was it?" she asks eagerly.

"Secret." I reply, deciding to tease her for a while.

"Come on Hayles. Tell me." she beggs.

"Nope." I tease.

"Fine you keep your secrets." she whines, folding her arms. "Are we going out tonight?"

"Of course we are." I beam. "I think we should go to the Paradise Club."

"I've heard about that place." she says "But don't you have to pre book like way in advance?"

"Yeh, that's being handled. We are meeting someone there." I smirk.

"Who?" she questions "Like I said yesterday, I'm basically your only friend."

"You will find out tonight." I tease.

"Oh my god Hayley, all these secrets." she exclaims.

"Oh shush." I say. "Come on let's get ready."

"Ok, ok." she says as she stands. "But this new friend better be nice."

"They aren't exactly my friend, but I'm sure you'll like them." I chuckle as I rise to my feet.

"Good." M says as we head through to my room.

We spend the remainder of our time getting ready to go out. I settle on a simple black two piece with red heels, whilst Mikayla choses a black bodycon dress with black heels. I wonder how she is going to react when she finds out who we are going to meet.

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