XXXVI. The Culprit And The Kidnapper

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"Go on."
"We need to meet Kapoor. We think he's planned and plotting this whole scene.", Shivaay said.
"Oh really? So did Abhi regain his two brain cells? I am glad.", Shravan said sarcastically.
Priyanka gave him an annoyed look as Shravan cleared his throat trying to be normal.

"Fine. Come along. I am informing the Inspector."

"How is jail treating you, Kapoor?", The man dressed as a jailer asked.
Kapoor stood holding the bars of the prison.
"I like the way you always keep a trail of me Harsh.", Kapoor said smirking.
"Aww. How could I leave the so called family man alone?", Harsh replied sarcastically.

"Ouch. Someone's jealous?"
"Why did you set up an attack against Varun?", Harsh asked straight away.
"I did not."
"You can't lie to me, Kapoor. I know you quite well. Answer.", Harsh asked.

"He knew me, I had kept him alive and happy for too long he might-"
"I need the truth.", Harsh said.
Kapoor smirked, drawing in a deep breath.

"I need to keep Svetlana under my control.", Kapoor said with an amused smirk.
"There you go. Family man Yuvraj Kapoor screwing his daughter's wedding. I wish I could give you an Oscar for your acting. But you are dumb, because she's thinks you are a threat.", Harsh said amused.

"Nah nah.. I know her. She sacrificed half her life for me. She'll not turn against me, not for those Oberois.", Kapoor said.

Just then Harsh heard someone.
"They are here."

Harsh was about to turn and leave when the British Inspector called.
"Open the prison."
He drew in a cold breath and opened the prison door and stood in the corner. 
Shivaay, Shravan and Abhi walked in.

"How are you?", Abhi asked.
"Just a little thristy.", Kapoor said making a depressed face.
"Get some water, please!", Shravan said as Harsh nodded, he immediately got a glass of water from a nearby filter.

"Here it is sir.", He said softly, acting his best.

His voice caught Shivaay's attention. Shivaay looked at the man, his head was bowed low, nothing different or attractive, just a simple jailer.
But his voice was extremely known.

"Kapoor, you have made a drug racket work for years and now you got arrested so casually? It looks like a ploy.", Shravan said straight away.
"But.. I am sorry.. I was blinded in my daughter's love..."

Shivaay's gaze was fixed on Harsh.
The voice seemed oddly familiar.. he was guessing it was the same as that kidnapper's. It was a wild guess, but his gut said he was right.
Harsh was visibly uncomfortable, he has sensed that Shivaay was suspicious. He slowly handed the key to the British inspector and strode out of the prison.
Shivaay quietly followed him out.

Harsh started pacing across the corridor.
Shivaay followed him.

They walked out of the jail on the streets of London, Shivaay quietly following Harsh, who refused to turn but knew the man followed him.
"I need to do something. Quickly.", Harsh thought. He walked into a crowded supermarket.
"Why is he going in there?", Shivaay thought but followed nonetheless.

Just then his phone rang.
"Ani I can't-"
"You know my orphanage found an old photograph that I had! They sent it to me and Gauri! I sent you a pic!"
"Okay I will. Bye.", Shivaay said urgently, hanging up.

He looked around.
Harsh was gone.

Harsh went and stood among other people before a vegetable rack.

Shivaay noticed him in the uniform.

He slowly walked down to him.
"You, sir. I need to talk.", He said placing his hand on Harsh's shoulder.
Harsh froze, drawing in a sharp breath.

He turned.
"Yes, sir?", He asked courtesously with a smile.
"You are Kapoor's jailer?"
"Ah, yes. I just dropped by to buy some veggies for home.", He lied with a smile.

Just then there was a noise to the left of the floor.
Shivaay turned instinctive as Harsh instantly slipped out of his grip and rushed towards the most crowded area of the market.

"He will never find me.", Harsh thought thanking God.

Shivaay turned back to find him gone.
"What the! Damn!", He cussed irritably, when his gaze fell on the floor. There was a photograph that had probably slipped out of that man's pocket.
It might be a clue!

Shivaay picked it up.
It was that very family photograph that Harsh had cherished all his life.
Shivaay looked at it closely.
In the corner, written in a child's handwriting was "A and G ♥ Papa"

"A and G? This looks old..", Shivaay said looking at the man in the photograph.
"This is definitely that guy.. Hmm.. so maybe A and G here are these two girls..", He mumbled.

His phone rang once again.
"What Anika?! I told you-"
"Where on earth are you, kiddo? We are waiting.. Anyways this Kapoor refuses to say anything, but I am still suspicious."
"Oh.. okay. Yeah I am coming.", Shivaay said sighing, hanging up.

He opened his WhatsApp to check the picture Anika had sent.

The photograph loaded.

Shivaay looked at it and froze. He held up the photograph in his hand, and then looked at the one on his phone.
Anika had messaged below it, "This is Papa and me and Gauri. See I always told you, I was the cuter. Call me after your work is over. Love you XOXO SSO"

"A and G.. Anika and Gauri..", He said, looking at the photograph in his hand.

"Harshvardhan Trivedi.. He is alive.. And he kidnapped me..", Shivaay said to himself softly, "Is he behind everything? The attack..?"


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