An Unexpected Visit

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"Hello, Shinonome-kun," greeted Akito's upperclassman, who simply waltzed right into his humble abode the next day.

"H-Hey, S-Senpai." Akito greets back, discomfort creeping in. "S-So, um, what brings you here?"

"Didn't you get my messages? I said that I'll come over." He replied. "Unless the messages were sent late.


"Akito, your phone has been vibrating nonstop." Said Toya as he gave Akito his phone.

The ginger reluctantly received his phone and read the large amount of messages sent by Rui from start to finish. His green eye twitched in irritation to the point he wanted to explode. However, Toya is right next to him and his upperclassman is in front of him, so he had no other choice but to keep a cool head.

"Toya, we see each other again!" Tsukasa said, his face eventually forming a goofy smile.

『Note: Refer to Tsukasa as "Tsukasa-senpai".』Akito texted the android.

"Hello again, Tsukasa-senpai."

"Fufu, it seems Aoyagi-kun knows that human Aoyagi-kun referred to Tsukasa-kun as 'Tsukasa-senpai'."

"I told him beforehand."

The four are now in the living room, having their own interactions, Tsukasa with Toya and Akito with Rui. Surprising enough, Tsukasa had a picture of a girl who looked nearly like him and showed it to Toya, which made curiosity spark inside him.

"Tsukasa-senpai, who is she?" He asked.

"This girl? She's, who Rui referred to as, my little sister, Tenma Saki. For some reason, she was surprised and cried when she first saw me with him and thought I was the Tsukasa with her."

"I see. I've experienced a situation similar to yours, Tsukasa-senpai; Shiraishi-san, Azusawa-san, Mita-san and Ken-san were surprised, except they didn't cry when they first saw me."

"Ah." Tsukasa nodded his head in understanding.

Meanwhile, the creators of Tsukasa and Toya smiled softly at the scene, reminding them of how their Tsukasa and Touya would interact back when they were alive. It's almost as if they're brothers, like how human Tsukasa had told Touya before when they were at the family restaurant.

"One time, Shiraishi-san showed me how people kiss by putting a cookie in their mouth and have their significant other bite on the other end of the cookie as they bite through it. Once they get to the center of the cookie, they would embrace each other while kissing and cup their cheeks while doing so."

That explanation made Akito extremely red in the face as he recalled that scene, which was implanted into his mind for the rest of his life.

"Alright, Toya, you don't have to explain that to Senpai."

"Oya? Shinonome-kun, is that true?"

"I-It's none of your business!"

Apparently, Tsukasa had looked it up while chaos is happening.

"Rui, do you have Pocky?" He asked.

At this rate, Akito wanted to chuck someone out of the window because he knew what's going to happen.

"Tsukasa-kun, I'm afraid we don't have any right now."

"Ah, so it's called a Pocky Challenge?"

ココロ (Scientist! Akito x Android! Toya)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang