Abby x reader story part 3 - The building

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2038 16 june,
" we're arrived. " Said the driver and he stopped the truck. The building we have to clean out is a hotel. It's very big with a lot of floors. This is going to take ages. I sigh. " Manny : Aah shit. I didn't expect something so big. Who knows if we even can use it. "
" Y/N : Who knows if we even make it out alive. This place is probably full of those fuckers. "
We just stood there in front of the building. Nobody said a word. The woman next to me said " come on. I don't wanna be here all day. Let's try to be as fast as possible. " Everyone agreed and we entered the building.
" let's split up in groups of two " 
" Manny : Y/N and i will clean up the lower floors of the hotel. "
I agree with Manny and we leave the group while walking towards a big door that leads to the basement.
While looking through the door window Manny says : " Spores. Put your mask on "
" Y/N : Oh no, i hope we don't get to see a lot of those big infected. "
" Manny : Stalkers are the worst kind. Atleast those big fuckers are dumb. "
" Y/N : I mean yeah thats true. Let's hope neither will be in here. "
" Manny : That sounds almost impossible. "
He chuckles nervously.
" Manny : Ladies go first "
I roll my eyes and open the door. " Y/N : You're just too scared to go first. I expected more of you Manny. "
I teasingly say.
" Manny : What? No. I'm just being a gentleman. "
Manny winks.
" Y/N :  Wow. You're such a gentleman for letting me enter this shithole first. "
Suddenly i see something moving in a corner.
" Y/N whispers : We have company. "
Manny closes the door quietly.
" Manny whispers : I think its a stalker. "
" Y/N whispers : Could be any kind. We haven't been close enough. "
" Manny whispers : If it was a different kind of infected it would have already heard us talking and walked over to us. "
" Y/N whispers : Let's stop guessing what kind of infected it is and kill it.
" Manny whispers : Sounds like a great plan "
I try to approach the infected silently when it suddenly ran away.
" Manny whispers : I told you. "
" Y/N whispers : Shut up. "
Manny gives me an annoying smile and i gave him the same look back.
I grab my knife from my pocket and i try to find the stalker. Damnit why are they so hard to catch.
Then i feel something pulling me from behind. I turn around in shock seeing it is a stalker that sneaked up from behind me. Manny rushes to help me, but two stalkers approach him aswell.
I stab the stalker in front of me and Manny succeeds to run away from the other two stalkers.
The stalker i stabbed approached me again.
" Manny : Lets find a way out of here and fast. "
" Y/N : I agree. "
Me and Manny look around stressfully looking for a way out.
I see a vent in the back of the basement and i point at it while looking at Manny.
" Y/N : A way out! "
We run towards the vent. Manny boosts me up, because im too short to reach it myself, he climbs in right after me.
" Manny : I rather not know whats at the end of this vent. "
" Y/N : Same... " i sigh.
" Y/N : There is not much of a choice tho. Unless u want to go back to the stalkers. "
" Manny : Let's hope for the best. "
I can see the end of the vent. I reach out my hand to open it and i look around. What a surprise.... It's dark. I try to reach for my light but i notice i lost it.
I whisper to Manny. " Y/N : It's dark. I can't see anything and i lost my damn light. "
He hands me his light in the tight vent. I turn it on and i look around.
" Y/N : We got lucky. It's empty. It looks like a storage room. "
" Manny : Can't believe Isaac want us to clear out this building. It's going to be impossible. "
Me and Manny both climb out of the vent. It's a small room. Used to be a storage room, but there is not much left. I look at my right and i only see one door. I open the door and i see stairs.
" Y/N : We can get up this way. "
Manny says nothing, but he pushes me away from the door so he can enter.
" Manny : let's get moving. I want a way out of this building already. "
I follow him and at the end of the staircase is another door. He opens it and a bright light shines in our eyes. We are outside. I take a deep breath.
" Manny : What are we going to do now? Wait for the others? Or tell Isaac that the building is unusable. "
" Y/N : I doubt that the other floors are clear. This building must be full of infected. What if the others are dead. We can wait for a little. If they are not back in a few hours we leave. "
" Manny : Great idea. "
Manny and I sit down next to the building. Time passes by fast and i am getting really tired.


End of part 3.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 18, 2022 ⏰

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