meeting howl !

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"Y/n wake up,helloooo?" Sophie asked.

Y/n woke up startled "why do you wake me up so early?!"

 Y/n bluntly asked Sophie
 "Well sleepy head,it's already 9:05 our orders are being placed at 9:50, so get up!'
 "Oh no,why didn't you wake me up earlier?!"

 Y/n glared, she dashed out of her room to get ready.

Author POV:-
Y/n & Sophie were childhood best friends, they would do

anything together, their bond was just unbreakable.

If you were wondering what orders are being placed well,
Sophie & Y/n are ironically the opposite considering talents & hobbies,
Sophie likes to create clothes, knit while Y/n likes to draw , design, sing mainly on the arts.

Although, there was one thing they had in common it was making hats, though it's oddly specific that's exactly what they both started doing as a job, they started a hat shop!

It was called "The hatter's hat's" they chose Sophie's last name and it was very clever.
 Y/n POV:-I honestly got annoyed, it's so hard working everyday sometimes.
I always thought it would be easy but it's just getting tougher everyday but atleast

Sophie is there...

(Time pass on the way to the hat shop)

I was rushing, i just wanted to reach there in time but Sophie was already there so i didn't have

to worry but it's just that

 i want to finish this day off.

On the way,i was walking down a alley and suddenly
some weird guards started cornering me.

"what's a beautiful girl like you out alone down a alley, hm?"

'god i just wanted to get out of here'
"Please stop,i need to get going" I said.
"Where?" both asked i felt uncomfortable and i was about to take a step back when a tall figure approached and took my hand

"Oh come on boys,didn't she say stop?" the handsome blonde replied with a soft tone.

The wind played with his wispy blonde hair..god i felt like i was looking at someone unreal..

He started taking me with him "Where are we going? Who are you?" I asked with a interrogative tone.
"First of all we are going wherever you're going secondly, i'm Howl Pendragon" the male replied.

Before i could answer he spoke "we dont have time for anymore questions as I am afraid we are currently being followed, sorry to drag you into this by the way"

he said

 I noticed few black, slimy blobs wandering around
 'that's what he was talking about'

 Suddenly, we started flying?

 we were floating all i could think was
 'was this guy the wizard who steals girls hearts?'
 "We lost them....ok miss......" he trailed off
"Y/n" i answered
"Yes Ms. Y/n where are you heading to?" Howl asked
 "I'm going to 'The hatter's hats'" I replied
"Oh well wonderful" He said with a soft tone
Author POV (Point of view)

Y/n had told him all the directions to get there.
Once they arrived,Howl gracefully placed Y/n on the top floor Balcony.
He slipped a ring on her hand and said
"Whenever you need me just tap here,I'll be there"

Y/n nodded a yes as the handsome man kissed two of his fingers and gently placed it on Y/n's

lips and said

"That's my girl."
He left....

Y/n however in the response to his sudden actions

couldn't help but blush...

"I've been looking for you everywhere" Howl x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now