The Forest [edited]

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{POV: 3th person}

It was Saturday morning, it was raining outside, but in a kind of calming and relaxing way. Y/N woke up when they heard birds sing outside of the window with snow-white curtains. They started to rub the sleep away from their eyes, they would sleep more, but they wanted to explore the forest. They slowly made their way to the kitchen. As they opened the upper cabinet and took some tea, to get them started on their day.

{POV: Y/N}

I started to put water in the kettle and put it on the cooker.(idk how it's called) As I wanted to reach for my favorite mug I remembered that I forgot to clean the dishes from yesterday. I got annoyed at the thought of washing it. I took out another of the clean mugs and poured the tea in it, but with my luck.."Ouch!.." I burned myself with the boiling water. "Again, as most of the mornings. I should get more used to it.". With that I sat on the couch. As I was sipping the hot tea, the weather started to clean up. 

I finished my drink and went to my room to get dressed. I decided to wear a pair of black pants, black shirt and a dirty purple hoodie over it. I went to the hallway, put my shoes on, took my keys and closed the door. "Well, time to start the adventure!" I started and went on my way.

 The forest was beautiful today, more than ever, I would say. As I was walking, I was amazed by the flora around me.

 But this is not right..I don't remember being the forest that deep and dark out of the sudden. It's just morning! There was something deep inside me that yelled; go back, there's something, it's watching, run. I got scared by those thoughts. "Wh-who's there!" I yelled "I know you're in there! Show yourself and don't hide b*tch!" I turned around and saw it…

 ...Blob? No! Those are just stories for kids, myths and legends. "Why did I get so scared of you? You aren't scary.You are just a little, squishy thing." I said as I picked it up. "Hm,..are you lost?" I asked "Mep Mep!" Wha..? "I  don't understand you." As I finished that sentence it started to point to the east side of the forest. That place was..dangerous. Grandparents of small kids down the village always said "Don't ever, under any circumstances go to the east side of the forest! The great evil lives there and big dangers within." But this cute small thing can be dangerous, right?..

{POV: ???}

"ꅐꀍꂦ ꀤꌚ ꓄ꀍꍏ꓄ ꀤꈤ꓄ꋪꀎꀷꏂꋪ? ꅐꀍꍏ꓄ ꍏꋪꏂ ꓄ꀍꏂꌩ ꀷꂦꀤꈤꁅ ꀤꈤ ꎭꌩ ꎇꂦꋪꏂꌚ꓄? ꍏꈤꀷ ꅐꀍꌩ ꀷꂦ ꓄ꀍꏂꌩ ꀍꂦ꒒ꀷ ꎭꌩ ꏳꀍꀤ꒒ꀷ ꂦꎇ ꒒ꀤꁅꀍ꓄ ꀤꈤ ꓄ꀍꏂꀤꋪ ꀍꍏꈤꀷꌚ!?"

A/N: Please don't be full of expectations that the chapters are gonna be long. I'm new to this so the chapters are gonna start of short and hopefully become longer TwT

I changed the text, when the person was talking so it's easier to read

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