Human Kawimi AU

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*Plagg aka
Onyx (There gender give no fucks in the AU)

*Tikki aka Spots( Gender no fucks in this au)

*Trixx aka Fool(What ever you think doll)

*Wayzz aka Shield( Girl)

*Nooroo aka Petals ( is still up to you but I go girl)

*Dunsuu aka Pretty Birdie by Plagg\Tikki (Doesn't care just likes to be pretty)

*Pollen aka Buzz(She Queen for a reason!)

I'm forgetting one... I feel it...

(There all just nicknames so everyone doesn't get confused by them and the Kawimi's there based on Onyx is the only one who has a 'human' persona...will fix and add as I go on)

Human Kawimi AUWhere stories live. Discover now