Chapter 12

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"I thought you didn't care about anyone." I say "That's what you said anyway."
"I say a lot of things."
"Who is it then?"
"Not answering that."
"Why not? I'm great at keeping secrets."
"Doesn't mean I have to tell you. You don't know me at all Tom."
"I do know you."
"That's what everyone thinks."

She walks over to my shelf and runs her fingers across the spine of the books.she then pulls out one.

"Some of these books have shitty titles." She says.
"Just because you're against love doesn't mean everyone else is."
"I'm not against it,I just don't like it."
"Then why did you tell me that you love someone?"
"You can't control your emotions,nothing is ever as it seems in this world... Now go to sleep."

She walks out and slams the door behind her but I don't sleep,just lie there until I hear her downstairs I sneak out and walk into her room. It's pretty plain,just a few posters and books around the place,I walk to her phone and slide it on to be requested a passcode,I go with her birthday (1401) then go onto her messages to find one which says Jacob💞 I see all sorts of messages as I send one myself.

Come over.

He replies almost immediately.

Sure babe😘

I hang outside on the landing until I hear the door open,I sprint to it. Almost falling flat on my face to see a boy standing there,floppy hair,freckles and pale skin.

"Who are you?" He asks rudely.
"I'm Thomas."
"Okay,is Tiffany here?"
"She is."
"Can I see her?"
"Sure,come in."

I walk with him into the living room with Ki and Tiffany sitting there watching Tv.

"Jacob. What are you doing here?" Tiffany asks.
"You texted me."
"No I didn't."
"Yes you did."
"Someone must've stolen my phone,I left it in my-"
"I Messaged him." I snap in.
"Why Tom?"
"Wanted to see who he was. Nothing wrong with that."
"Well what do you wanna know?" He asks.
"What's your full name?"
"Jacob Lofland."
"Right.. Nice. And you're at our school?"
"No,I met her at a club."
"Are we done now?" Tiffany snaps.
"Just because you fuck everything up Tom doesn't mean I'll do the same."
"But I'm making tea,can't he stay?"
"You're an awful cook."
"You almost set the kitchen on fire last year."
"And we're alive now,what's your point?"
"Fine.. We'll stay. But not for long."

I walk into the kitchen with Ki then find four microwave meals.

"He's an ass." Ki spits.
"Hey,you're not the one who has to worry about it."
"So she's the one he loves.. Him,why?"
"I don't know but look,Tom,don't fuck it up. She won't forgive you."
"Yes I know that. Look,we've got about 38 hours until our first exam,I can't focus on that right now."
"Didn't you sleep when we told you to?"
"Of course not."
"Just sit down."

He guides me to a chair then we wait for the meals,once there done we all sit down and eat in silence.

"So how long have you two been dating?" I ask.
"Two months." Jacob replies.
"Even when she didn't talk?"
"Yeah. Her eyes say it all."

He leans to her and kisses her passionately,making me cringe inside.

"I'm tired I want to go." Tiffany says,pulling away from the table,with Jacob.
"Where are you going?" I demand.
"It's too late."
"Call her."

And with that she's gone..

Impossible to Love {Ki Hong Lee}Where stories live. Discover now