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Air and space *1* | chapter two

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Air and space *1* | chapter two


Kahmunrah returned to his sofa throne, and Capone and I sat down next to each other. I took out my stone which was glowing white, i noticed there was a strange pinky patch at the back. "So, what brings a pretty girl, like you. Here?" He flirted, I smiled and said, "i wanted some adventure. And when I want adventure, I get it" I flirt back, he grinned this was going to be a fateful conversation. I messed with my stone, we mostly flirted and talked about our pasts. He found mine extraordinary. I liked his too. It was getting chilly, he offered his coat which I politely accepted. I thanked him and I slightly blushed at this. As no one has ever done this, I felt like I belonged.

I heard a scoff from behind, kahmunrah jumped out of his seat and wandered off. He came back a few minutes later, "gentlemen, I have something for us to do." He said excitedly. I took of the coat and left it there. We all followed to where Kah was going. We entered a place with a map of the world on the floor. I looked confused at it, and then looked up to see Kah leaning over the stand. But Then said, "Gentlemen, I have thought long and hard to determine how I should split up my new realm amongst you so I have come up with a solution." He then lifted up a twister board.

"Prepare yourselves." He flicked the board and said, "this is going to be fun. Right foot, BLUE." Napoleon and Ivan were on the world map with North America as blue, South America as yellow, Africa as red, Europe as green. As for me was at the side because I have some trauma with twister. They both took their right foot and putted it on North America. "Excellent. Left foot, RED." The two men put their left foot on Africa. As Kahmunrah was about to flick the spinner, "where's Mr. Capone?doesn't he want to play?"

"YEAH, I AIN'T PLAYING NO GAMES." We all looked towards the sound of his voice and he looked pissed off. "You know about this?" Ivan shrugged and said, "I had heard a rumour."

Capone looked back at what he was looking at and said, "I'm gonna be fat! And locked up for 'tax evasion'...'tax evasion'..." Capone threw his hat down and yelled, "WHAT KIND OF PUNK GETS PINCHED FOR TAX EVASION!?" I tried hard to keep quite so I crossed my arms hopefully would do something. I got to his side and rubbed his shoulder in hope of sympathy. "We'll have to continue some other time." Said Kahmunrah as he put the board aside. He walked down the marble stairs and disappeared. What's the big deal? Anyway. You get be known in history. For what you are. I just decided for the best to stay quite. After awhile he got over it and apologised for being like that to well. Me.  It was like;

"Sorry Doll, you shouldn't of seen me like that." He sniffed, gazing away. I say uncrossing my arms and walking up to him, "hey." I grabbed his chin softly, forcing him to look at me. "Look at me."he watched me silently. "It doesn't matter, Your still you." I watched his movements. "Okay?" He nodded after a moment and laid his hands on mine. "Good." I swiftly took my hands away from his. And walked away.

I layed down on a box, and messed with a rubix cube trying to beat my time when I was alive. (Which was 1 minute.) Kah flexed in a Muhammad ALI robe. "You know, I do sort of feel like a floating butterfly." Kah claimed. "You are crazier than a road lizard." Jed said.  Ivan stormed in, "mr. Egypt, these two here heard that we're taking over the world" I got up and putted the cube aside. Looking in disbelief.

Darth Vader and Oscar the grouch.

I quickly stood up. "And they want in. I don't know who they are," Ivan said not knowing who they are. "But they're on exhibit here, too, apparently." Kahmunrah walked up and exclaimed, "I don't even know what they are. I'm sorry, but we're all full up in our axis of evil today. Sorry."

"Come on! But I'm bad! Im bad. Hey, I could show you how bad I am!" Oscar started roaring weakly. Trying to make a useless point. "Fear me!" He said weakly. I got to Capones side and watched with ease . "I'm sorry, I'm just not buying it. You don't seem very bad. You just seem sort of vaguely grouchy to me." Al then whispered to me, "do you know who those freaks are?"

"Mm-Hmm. Darth Vader and Oscar the grouch. Darth Vader is evil and Oscar is... just grouchy." Capone had a small grin appear since he found my response to be... cute.

Vader starting to breath heavily, and tried to use his force with his hand. "What are you doing? What is that? What is this?" Kah explained, "what does it mean? You've lost me." I rolled my eyes and walked to the glass where Napoleon was looking. Napoleon realised I was looking out as well and offered his scope but I declined. I might of noticed Lincoln move a little but it may be my mind. Right?

I didn't just stare at the buildings, I looked up at the stars and the moon. I thought they were beautiful. My mother use to read story's to me when I was a child about how when we die we turn into one of them. I just hoped that she understood why I'm doing this. And I hope she will forgive me. For what I've committed.

I got out of my head when Napoleon yelled, "attention! He's leaving with the tablet!" I saw Amelia and Larry escaping. That was a unfair move, Larry. Kahmunrah walked to where we were watching By the window. "Where?" Asked Kahmunrah, he snatched the scope from him and looked out of the window. "He's not trying to figure out the... he's trying to escape!" He muttered, "Go. Go! All of you! Kill him! And bring me that tablet." He shouted. I leapt out of my place and threw my rock midair and caught it. "Come on, people! Let's go! Without that table, we've nothing."

After mindless searching and running, we all came to a hallway that had an elevator just up ahead. We all kept running and started getting in. Surprisingly, we all got in and it started going up. The only thing to be heard was the elevator music. Everyone stayed still and I was pressed up against the elevators door. This was extremely awkward. No one said a word.

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