facing our demons

Start from the beginning

Y/n: sorry about that but we can't let you tell anyone we want to tell everyone during  Steven's next birthday party. Anyway that's not all I need to do I need to master all my powers including Berserk Mode. That is what I'll be working on in my room so you guys have fun in here bye. *all of Y/n's gems start glowing before a door appears leading to the mind-scape as Y/n walks through*

(Inside the mindscape Y/n pov)

Y/n: okay so first thing I need to do is find the room holding him. Computer *there's a chirping sound* access room map and show it on a hard light screen in front of me. *A light panel That is your F/c shows up as there's a map showing directions and locations to all the rooms Y/n searches for a while until he finds a room labeled ??? before he closes the screen and starts walking toward the room. he arrives at a big door wide and tall enough for a 30 feet tall creature* Well time to face the dragon. *he opens the door seeing a red light and black fog coming from inside the room before a voice comes out*

???: Oh if it isn't the legendary Human of Earth.

Y/n: ya ya lets skip the villain monologue Berserk.

Y/n: ya ya lets skip the villain monologue Berserk

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(by Demon Dragon Rider on deviant art)

Berserk: So what do you want besides to talk.

Y/n: I want to learn to master your abilities berserk, without you killing my friends.

Berserk: tough luck I want to kill and your not going to stop me from killing.

Y/n: why would you want to kill anyway.

Berserk: You haven't figured it out yet you and I are cut from the same cloth.

Y/n: What do you mean?

Berserk: I mean I was made from the deepest darkest parts of you. You hurt those people in war to protect your family and others, but when your friends or others get hurt when you can do something to stop it you blame yourself then make the wrongdoer pay for hurting that person. Every-time you killed a small thought about the adrenaline rush of the kill and killing more people entered your mind but you dismissed it all those bundled up thoughts made me. Don't you remember that talk with that Amelia girl your eyes glowed and your markings showed as she said she was raped. That was me becoming stronger from your feelings. The more negative and killing thoughts you have the more I grow.

Y/n: So you grow from me wanting to protect my friends so much that i'll do whatever it takes to protect them.

Berserk: yes.

Y/n: *smiles* then that means your there friends as well.

Berserk: What?

Y/n: Think about it you first showed up because you were part of my feelings to protect others then that means you want to save people. You even tried to attack Amethyst because you were worried she'd kill me.

Berserk: *blushes from embarrassment and turns away* no I didn't I-I-I just wanted to survive and she was annoying and deserved to be offed.

Y/n: You may be made from the deepest and darkest parts of my soul but you also want to protect people because even my darkest reasons have a good reason behind them.

Berserk: No they don't! there all evil not a single one is good. They all end with someone in pain or dead no "worthy cause can make that better".

Y/n: what about world war 2 people had to kill pregnant mothers or risk killing themselves. in Vietnam soldiers helped people in the south kill people in the north. The war we just fought we had to kill hundreds if not millions. There are good reasons for death the people that fight have either good or bad reasons when we went after people who hurt those that need protecting we never went on a homicide heck the worst thing we did was just land someone in the emergency room and that guy was also diagnosed with cancer as well. We save people for the right reasons just the wrong way. You want to be peoples friends but you're afraid if they meet you they'll hate you. That's why you fought so hard to protect me you wanted your friend to survive. 

Berserk: STOP IT! STOP IT! STOP IT! Your wrong we were never friends and we never will be.

Y/n: really? *smirks* Well then *snaps fingers as a door appears that Berserk can go through* you can leave whenever you want.

Berserk: really?

Y/n: yep if you go out that door you'll take the form of my duplicate self but you'll be in control and you never have to see my face again.

Berserk: *coughs* well then I guess your not completely useless after all I shall leave and never see you again. *walks toward door* I'm leaving.

Y/n: bye.

Berserk: I'm almost at the door. 

Y/n: adios.

Berserk: I'm about to open the door.

Y/n: arrivederci.

Berserk: *he opens the door seeing beach city sticks his arm out as it looks like Y/n's then brings it back before speaking.* ahem! I suppose such a weakling such as yourself has much to improve and that will be more entertaining then simply staying in a city. I'll stay to watch you progress and you may use my powers when necessary.

Y/n: *giggles speaks quietly* Tsundere say what.

Berserk: what?

Y/n: *he laughs for minutes before wiping a tear of joy* oh nothing. Thanks for staying I hope to be able to train along-side you in combat. *he begins to leave then stops at the door* You know there are some people who might actually like you if you want to come out and play. *Berserk raises an eyebrow his face saying "what are you planning"* nothing just something to think about. Bye Berserk.

Berserk: Dragoon. *Y/n turns to face him* Just call me Dragoon.

Y/n: *Y/n smiles* okay then see you Dragoon. *Y/n walks out the door as it closes*

Dragoon/Berserk pov

Dragoon/Berserk: go see what the humans are like I'm not sure maybe someday but no I can't!......Can I.

(2344 words everybody what do you think of that. Also what about Draig is he what you expected from a callous killer. I was trying to go for a venom vibe from the movie. Anyway hasta luego write you soon)

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