Inseparable (Saaya x Male Reader)

221 13 7



I remember when I was learning the drums, my instructor wanted to show the world how 'good' I was. So what we did was we had a face-off in the public, in a place with a lot of people. Yes, we did it in a park.

Instructor: Phew, finally set up all the drum kits. Now, all we gotta do is put up a show.

Y/N: I am not so confident...

Instructor: Hey kid, I know how talented you are. You are a totally different person when you hold those sticks. So being your instructor, I gotta at least show the world how good you are, and this is where we begin.

My instructor loved my drumming skills. He said that I am his 'best student' and because of that, he is kinda biased. It didn't sit right with the other kids, so they started to avoid me because I am a 'prodigy'...

People fail to realize that I do this for fun and that I could quit anytime. Instead of them liking me for my skills, they hate me for it... society is kinda weird, isn't it?

Instructor: Well, let's get the show on the road, shall we?

Y/N: Let's do it.

Saaya's POV

I was at the park with Jun and Sana since they wanted to play there together, but what attracted me was the crowd at the park...

I went to check it out and I saw a man and a boy with their own drum kits facing off against each other.

???: Wow, that kid's got skill...

???: For real, he switches up the tempo like it's nothing...

While they were talking about him, it was the man who was playing the drums. I checked out the boy and he looked like he was about my age...

And finally, it was his turn to play. He started off slowly, building up his solo with his bass pedals and then started to pick up the pace a bit with the ride cymbals and then he started to play at an unbelievable pace...

The performance sent shivers ran through my spine as it went on. He had everything: precision, pace and timing...

I don't know why but after I watched that performance, I wanted to know more about him. I want to become friends with him, or so I'd hope.

After the performance ended, I went up to the boy...


The performance was finally over and I was packing up all my stuff until-

???: Hi there!

Y/N: WAAH- Oh hi, uh- didn't see you there...

???: How are you so good with the drums?

Y/N: I-I've been practising for a while...

???: Can you show me how to play too?

Y/N: Huh?

???: I wanna be friends with you!

Wha- Hold on! We are going at an inconceivable pace here.

Y/N: Y-You sure, I'm not the b-best guy to hang around with...

???: Who said that? You seem like a cool guy to hang out with!

Y/N: Ahaha... thanks... I'll take up on your offer.

This is the first one that approached me and became friends with me... People are usually scared of me for being too good with the drums... but now there is someone that wants to talk to me because of it...

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 29, 2021 ⏰

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Inseparable (Yamabuki Saaya x Male Reader One-shot)Where stories live. Discover now